
15 March 2017 image

Meeting of the Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open and Transparent Governance and Consultative Group

IDFI organized a meeting of the Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open and Transparent Governance and the Consultative Group. Participants discussed the recommendations prepared by the Consultative Group in relation to the Open Parliament Georgia Action Plan 2017-2018.

28 February 2017 image

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of IDFI in a Case against the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development

The Supreme Court of Georgia declared the appeal of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (MOESD) against the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) inadmissible.

25 February 2017 image

February 25, 1921 is the Day of Occupation of the Democratic Republic of Georgia

February 25, 1921 is the day of occupation of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. In order to honor the memory of political prisoners who were arrested and shot in the years following the occupation, IDFI and Society Memorial organized an exhibition in front of the Parliament building titled "Results of Sovietization in Georgia - Photos and Lists of the Repressed". The exhibition presented the lists of prisoners executed in 1921-1924 (1,350 persons) and people arrested by the secret police (‘Cheka’) in 1921-1922 (2,734 persons), letters sent from exile, group photos, and various print material published by prisoners and the repressed, such as newspapers, magazines, dictionaries and mor

9 February 2017 image

Public Defender Recommends Ministry of Justice to Cease Violating IDFI’s Rights

On January 31st, 2017, the Public Defender of Georgia held that the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and 11 legal entities of public law (LEPL) operating within its system violated the right of N(N)LE Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI). According to the Public Defender, the state entities failed to fulfil their legal obligation to disclose public information.

30 January 2017 image

Field Meeting of the Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open and Transparent Governance

The field meeting of the Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open and Transparent Governance (Council) and the Consultative Group under the Council was held at “Crowne Plaza Hotel”, Borjomi. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues related to parliamentary openness and to plan future steps.

26 January 2017 image

Parliament Chairperson Approved the New Composition of the Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open and Transparent Governance

New Members of the Council are: Irina Pruidze (as the Chairman) –  from “Georgian Dream”, Irakli Kobakhidze-“Georgian Dream”, Tamar Chugoshvili-“Georgian Dream”, Kakha Kuchava-“Georgian Dream”, Guguli Magradze-“Georgian Dream”, Giorgi Tugushi-“European Georgia-for Better Future”, Otar Kakhidze-“European Georgia-for Better Future” and Emzar Kvitsiani-“Georgian Patriots”.

24 January 2017 image

Increasing Access to Judicial Decisions in Georgia – Presentation of Project Results

During the event IDFI presented the results of a research conducted within the framework of the project and get the audience acquainted with amendments to the legislation regulating access to court decisions. 

28 December 2016 image

OGP Awards and its Winners

The Open Government Award was established in 2014. It is aimed at identifying the best initiative in the implementation of transparency and accountability by Open Government Partnership members. Each year a different OGP challenge is chosen for the award.

21 December 2016 image

Optimization of the Website of the Parliament of Georgia with International Standards of Accessibility

The Georgian Parliament took the commitment to make its website accessible to people with disabilities within the framework of the Open Parliament Action Plan 2015-2016.

8 December 2016 image

OGP - Global Summits and Georgia's Achievements

On May 4, 2016, Georgia was elected co-chair of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) after serving as a member of the OGP Steering Committee since August 2013. As the co-chair, starting October 1, Georgia will head the Steering Committee together with its current chair – France. The following year, Georgia will itself take over as the OGP chair country and take an active part in developing OGP’s main directions and strategies.