
26 July 2018 image

IDFI Among World’s Most Financially Transparent Think Tanks

For the third year, IDFI was declared as one of the most transparent think tank organizations in the world by Transparify.

23 July 2018 image

OGP Global Summit in Georgia

On July 17-19, the fifth Summit of Open Government Partnership (OGP) took place in Tbilisi. The Summit was opened with the Parliamentary Day that was hosted by the Parliament of Georgia. On July 17, parallel to the Parliamentary Day, within the scope of the OGP Summit, Civil Society Day was held, where civil society representatives working on open governance gathered. 

23 July 2018 image

Transforming Public Procurement as an Effective Instrument for Making Governments Accountable & Transparent

On July 2019, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) organized a fishbowl discussion related to public procurement at the 5th Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit in Tbilisi, Georgia – July 17-18.


20 July 2018 image

Georgia took 9 Steps forward in Global Innovation Index 2018

Innovations have a very important role in economic wellness. As one of the main sources of economic growth in developed countries, innovations are very often a main factor of economic development. It has got a special role in business sector development as well. It helps high competitiveness of the market and therefore supports business and economic development. Different researches highlight that, in the countries where innovations are well developed, living standards are higher. That gives innovations the role of indicator of developed economy..

17 July 2018 image

The Fifth Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Georgia Opened with a Discussion on Legislative Openness

World parliaments are seeking new ways in achieving openness, transparency and accountability. A day ahead of the Global Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit in Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia hosted a high level international discussion on legislative openness.

16 July 2018 image

OGP - Global Summits and Georgia's Achievements

Open Government Partnership (OGP) was launched on September 20, 2011, at the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. As of today, it is composed of 76 member countries. OGP is a multilateral international initiative that aims to secure specific commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizen participation in the decision-making processes, fight corruption, secure effectiveness and accountability of governments and harness new technologies to strengthen open governance.

7 June 2018 image

Parliament of Georgia Finalizes its Third Open Parliament Action Plan

The Parliament of Georgia has finalized the elaboration of its commitments for the 2018-2019 Open Parliament Action Plan, which include: supporting the implementation and monitoring of 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, increasing accountability before the citizens, developing deeper awareness of the public on parliamentary democracy, and strengthening its oversight of the transparency of Government activities.  

29 May 2018 image

IDFI Presented the Research on Access to Open Data in Georgia and Visegrad Countries

The main challenge facing access to open data in Georgia is the absence of relevant legislative framework and standards. Due to this problem, the list of data that made available by public institutions in an open and reusable format is low. Even though Georgia does have a state open data portal, public institutions are not obligated to publish their data on this website.


28 May 2018 image

Presentation of the Draft Law and Monitoring Results of the Constitutional Court of Georgia

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), with support from Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), held a presentation of the draft law and monitoring results of the work of the Constitutional Court of Georgia.

15 May 2018 image

Georgian Youth for Parliamentary Openness in Georgia

Winners of the Youth Contest – Your Idea for Open Parliament have been revealed. Ideas submitted by Rusudan Mgeladze, Kalenike Uridia and Shalva Dekanozishvili were approved by the Permanent Council on Open and Transparent Governance and will be reviewed during elaboration process of the third Open Parliament Action Plan for the years of 2018-2019.