
4 March 2021 image

Presentation of the Study “Challenges of Whistleblowing in Georgia – Legislation and Practice”

On March 4, 2021 the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) presented the study “Challenges of Whistleblowing in Georgia – Legislation and Practice”.


9 December 2020 image

The COVID-19 related State Procurements

On February 26, 2020, the first case of the novel coronavirus was confirmed in Georgia, while on March 21, the state of emergency, that lasted until May 22, was declared. In this period, the coronavirus  related procurements were primarily conducted with simplified procedures. 

7 December 2020 image

Openness of State Archives in Post-Soviet Republics and Eastern Bloc States During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), in partnership with international scholars, conducted a study within the framework of the “Evaluation of the Openness of State Archives in Post-Soviet Republics and Eastern Bloc States” project in 2019-2020.

7 October 2020 image

Fuel Expenses of Members of Parliament: 2018-2020

Within the scope of the study, IDFI requested data from the Parliament of Georgia regarding the fuel consumption and mileage of vehicles used by Georgian parliamentarians in 2018-2020. 

1 July 2020 image

Vehicles and Fuel Expenses of LEPLs and other Independent Authorities

As part of the research, IDFI requested public information from about 80 public institutions (Legal Entities of Public Law under the Ministries and other independent authorities) about the number of vehicles owned by them, fuel limit regulations, and fuel consumption expenditures for 2018-2019.

24 June 2020 image

Political Donations: Free will or Business Investment?

In 2020, Georgia will hold parliamentary elections, which are usually marked by a large volume of political donations. As of June 3, 2020, the ruling party has already received more than GEL 4.7 million in donations.

21 June 2020 image

The Openness of State Archives in the Former Soviet Republics and Eastern Bloc Countries - the Outcomes of the Evaluation

The openness of archives is very important for studying history in different countries. However, this issue is more critical in the countries where archives can be used for the identification and rehabilitation of the victims of repressions. 

5 June 2020 image

Disciplinary Liability of Judges

Major shortcomings and challenges remain in terms of legislative framework and practice related to disciplinary liability of judges, among others: High Council of Justice holds sessions on disciplinary liability of judges with insufficient frequency, which is a contributing factor to delays of disciplinary proceedings. In 2019, the High Council of Justice held only 2 sessions to consider disciplinary cases

20 May 2020 image

Access to Courts -Public Opinion Survey Results

Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) in collaboration with Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC) and Institute for development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) released results of a new survey: “Access to courts, public opinion survey results”. The document presents findings of the survey representative of Georgian-speaking adult population of Georgia regarding attitudes towards access to courts. In particular, the public opinion survey discusses issues related to different aspects of access to courts and attitudes of the population of Georgia.  

12 May 2020 image

The Survey of the population of Georgia on the knowledge and attitudes towards Prosecutor’s Office

The survey of the population of Georgia on the knowledge and attitudes towards Prosecutor’s Office was conducted from March 30 to April 12, 2020.
The survey studies the following topics: (1) Attitude towards the Prosecutor's Office and prosecutors of Georgia; (2) Knowledge about the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia; (3) Experience with the Prosecutor's Office; (4) Application of communication channels of the Prosecutor's Office and their evaluation.