Memory and Disinformation Studies

23 June 2022 image

Promoting Entrepreneurs Living Next to the Occupied Territories in Shida Kartli Region through Branding

The war in August 2008 had the painful consequences for Georgia: 130,000 people were forced to flee their homes during the war.

6 June 2022 image

IDFI held a conference : “The World Finally Sees It”: Hybrid Warfare, Disinformation and History in CEE

On June 3-4, 2022, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and the University of Georgia, as well as the University-based Investigative Media Lab, held a conference on "Awakening of the World: A Hybrid War, Disinformation and History in CEE."

30 May 2022 image

First meeting of the Platform for Dialogue Between Historians was held in Albania

On May 23-27, 2022, the first meeting of the Platform for Dialogue Between Historians was organized by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berat, Albania.


20 May 2022 image

The Supreme Court Ruled in Favor of IDFI and Obliged the National Archives of Georgia to Release Public Information

IDFI has successfully completed another strategic litigation case. 

17 May 2022 image

IDFI Held a Meeting with the Youth of Gori- Falsified History and Triumphant May 9: History and Modernity

Falsifying history, distorting facts and using it without context is one of the most important strategies in modern Russian hybrid warfare.

11 May 2022 image

Modern Russian disinformation - IDFI held an informational meeting in Marneuli American Corner


4 May 2022 image

IDFI Becomes the Partner Organization of Investigative Media Lab

On May 2, 2022 University of Georgia (UG) held the presentation of Investigative Media Lab. Media Lab will include practical courses, which are taught at the Faculty of Journalist of the University of Georgia.

3 May 2022 image

The Overview of the Censorship of the Georgian Press and Print Media

The fight against censorship and for the freedom of speech counts centuries. One of the most ancient cases of censorship is related to the philosopher, Socrates who was sentenced to death in 333 BC for spreading the ideas among the youth that opposed his contemporary moral and political code.

2 May 2022 image

Celebrating May 9 in Russia

After the invasion of Ukraine, the celebration of Victory Day on May 9 has taken a special significance in the Russian Federation, as Russian propaganda seeks to adapt the narrative of victory over Nazi Germany to modern times. 

27 April 2022 image

Annexation of History - Russian Hybrid war and Ukraine

On April 20, at a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the non-governmental organization “Russia – Country of Opportunity” (АНО «Россия – страна возможностей»)"), Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the modification of historical education in schools to combat false narratives about the situation in Ukraine.