Rule of Law, Human Rights and Freedom of Media

29 October 2021 image

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary Reacts to the Planned Judicial Conference

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary believes that in the current situation, the election of a judge member/s of the High Council of Justice by the Judicial Conference is unjustified.


26 October 2021 image

The Authorities Must Fully Yield to the Recommendations Issued by the Multidisciplinary Team of Doctors and the Public Defender of Georgia, Regarding the Hospitalization of M. Saakashvili

We, the signatory organizations, would like to respond to the controversy regarding the hospitalization of the Third President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili. We believe that the decision to hospitalize Mr. Saakashvili should not be based on political considerations, but solely on the principles and high standards of personal safety, health, and life of an individual.


22 October 2021 image

Tbilisi Court of Appeals Ruled in Favor of IDFI in a Case with the Media Academy

Tbilisi Court of Appeals rejected the appeal of „Media Academy“ and upheld the decision of the Tbilisi City Court, according to which a legal entity of private law („Media Academy”) established by the National Communications Commission was recognized as an administrative body and was obliged to provide public information on the basis of Chapter 3 of General Administrative Code of Georgia.


20 October 2021 image

Georgia’s Ranking in the Rule of Law Index 2021

The purpose of IDFI’s following publication is to review the indicators of the Rule of Law Index in Georgia as of 2021, while comparing them to the previous years, to identify existing challenges, and to reveal underlying tendencies.


13 October 2021 image

Training for the Staff of the State Inspector's Service

On October 7-8, 2021 a two-day training was held for the personnel of the State Inspector’s Service within the frame of the joint project of the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and the State Inspector’s Service - "Promoting Personal Data Protection in Georgia”.


30 September 2021 image

World Governance Indicators - Georgia in the World Bank Ranking 2021

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) constitute a research database based on over 30 data sources reflecting the views and evaluations stemming from citizens, entrepreneurs and experts.

28 September 2021 image

Justice System Trends and Court Statistics - Discussion and website presentation

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency held a discussion on Justice System Trends and Court Statistics.

22 September 2021 image

Topical Issues of Personal Data Protection - a Collection of Essays

This collection includes essays written by students on current issues of personal data protection. The essay competition was announced on May 14, 2021, in which dozens of students from various higher education institutions participated.

17 September 2021 image

IDFI responds to the Leak of surveillance files

On September 13,  numerous files of documentary materials were leaked and sent to the media outlets, allegedly created by the State Security Service, including the processed information obtained through covert surveillance.


16 September 2021 image

IDFI's Assessment on the Initiated Amendments to the Organic Law of Georgia on Common Courts

On July 1, 2021, the bill initiated by the members of the Parliament of Georgia was registered. The bill aims to enforce the Judgement of the Constitutional Court of Georgia N1/4/693,857 of June 7, 2019.