
20 September 2019 image

Extent of SDGs Integration in the National Public Policy System of Georgia

Nationalizing all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and relevant targets constitute a declared policy of the Government of Georgia. The given analysis aims at ascertaining to what extent existing national policy documents contain obligations in line with SDG indicators. The evaluation will assist the GoG to identify challenges and take relevant steps in regards to nationalizing specific SDGs.


9 August 2019 image

Regulating Inadmissible Content – What does the Constitutional Court decision of 2 August 2019 Change

Freedom of expression is a mandatory precondition for the establishment of a democratic State.  Self-actualization of individuals and the development of society becomes impossible without the freedom of expression. Given the role and importance of the freedom of expression in the rule of law, there is a need of creating a legislative framework that allows free exchange of opinions and information.

6 August 2019 image

Cruel and Ill Treatment of Animals in Georgia

IDFI studied the legislation on animal protection in Georgia and the state of its implementation. For this purpose, IDFI requested public information from relevant state institutions. In addition, IDFI researched international regulations on the subject and got acquainted with the practice of the countries which excel in regards to high animal welfare standards. 

12 July 2019 image

70% of Recommendations Received by Georgia from GRECO about Corruption Prevention Remain not Fully Implemented

According to the report, from 16 Recommendations on corruption prevention, Georgia has implemented satisfactorily only five of them, three recommendations have not been implemented and eight recommendations – partly implemented.


11 July 2019 image

Public Administration Reform Action Plan does not Respond to the Existing Challenges

In June, 2019, the Government of Georgia approved new Action Plan 2019-2020 for Public Administration Reform (PAR)with the purpose to implement the goals of the Public Administration Reform Roadmap 2020.

4 June 2019 image

Regional Governor State Vehicles and Fuel Expenses: 2017-2018

Analysis of vehicles owned by regional governor administrations and related fuel consumption points to challenges related to rational and efficient use of resources. The high overall number of vehicles owned by governor administrations, prevalence of expensive luxury models, and high fuel expenses demonstrate a necessity for optimization and stricter oversight mechanisms.

28 March 2019 image

IDFI’s Opinion on the Reform Separating Prosecutorial and Investigative Powers

In 2018, the Georgian Government initiated a wide-scale reform of the investigative system with one of the key elements of the reform being separation of the investigative and prosecution functions.

27 March 2019 image

New System of Case Distribution in Common Courts

Introduction of the electronic system for case distribution in Common Courts is one of the most important novelties introduced under the "Third Wave" of judicial reform. One year monitoring revealed the following significant challenges with regards to the full implementation of the new system. 

26 March 2019 image

System for Disciplinary Liability of Judges

Significant steps have been taken under the “Third Wave” of the judicial reform in terms of improving system for disciplinary liability of judges. 

12 March 2019 image

Implementation of the Judicial Strategy and the 2017-2018 Action Plan

Based on the requirements set forth in the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, the judicial branch of the government developed the 5-year strategy for judicial reform and the 2-year Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the first time in Georgia’s history.