
24 May 2022 image

CSO METER - A Compass to Conducive Environment and CSO Empowerment

The complex social-economic developments, political tensions, and the Covid-19 pandemic have all significantly affected the civil society organisation (CSO) environment in Georgia. 

13 May 2022 image

Global Data Barometer Results - Overview of Georgia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia

The Global Data Barometer (GDB) is an international study that examines the importance and benefits of data for the public good, and is based on the Open Data Barometer methodology.

3 May 2022 image

Overview of the World Press Freedom Index

International organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) annually publishes Global Press Freedom index results and rankings for 180 countries in the world. Results and estimations for 2022 became available to the public today. 

27 April 2022 image

Annexation of History - Russian Hybrid war and Ukraine

On April 20, at a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the non-governmental organization “Russia – Country of Opportunity” (АНО «Россия – страна возможностей»)"), Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the modification of historical education in schools to combat false narratives about the situation in Ukraine.

18 April 2022 image

Evaluation of the Gender Equality Policies at the Local Level

Ensuring equal rights and opportunities between women and men is of fundamental importance in the process of building democracy. Achieving gender equality and empowering women requires fundamental change at both the national and local levels.


14 April 2022 image

Overview of the implementation by Georgia of the recommendations on fight against money laundering and terrorism financing

According to 2020 Moneyval Evaluation Report of Georgia, the country has fully complied with the Financial Action Task Force recommendations regarding money laundering offenses, secret legislation on financial institutions, correspondent bank, anonymity and confidentiality, responsibilities of investigative and law enforcement agencies, as well as extradition.

11 April 2022 image

Healthcare Sector Overview

The present review includes a macro analysis of the healthcare sector; key indicators of the sector and a comparison with other countries; financial indicators of the retail pharmaceutical sector, hospitals, and clinics; government spending on health services; and challenges in the sector.


4 April 2022 image

Tendencies of Russian Disinformation in Georgia Along with the War in Ukraine

September 27 -  The Kremlin stated that any expansion of NATO military infrastructure in Ukraine would cross one of President Vladimir Putin's "red lines", while Belarus said that  it had agreed with Moscow to take action against NATO's expansion.


30 March 2022 image

Official Communication Regarding the Exports of Dairy Products to Russia

On March 6, 2022, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported that the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) had allowed 15 Georgian companies to supply milk and dairy products to Russia. 

24 March 2022 image

Challenges to the Georgian Economy against the Background of International Sanctions against Russia

Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the start of a war in the region have a significant impact on the Georgian economy. The current review discusses the dependence of the Georgian economy on the economies of neighboring and friend countries.