
26 November 2020 image

MONEYVAL assessment of Georgia on money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF)

Money laundering risks in Georgia have existed and discussed by relevant international organisations as well as strategic partners. Money laundering risks of Georgia has been discussed by the US State Department for years. 

23 November 2020 image

Were Georgians Beloved in the Soviet Union?

On 27 August 2019, the historian Sergey Bondarenko published an article called “Stalin – Insole, Goat, Hooligan” (“Stalin – stel’ka, kozyol, khaliugan (sic)” in which he presented five different stories of insulting the Great Leader in the 1930s based on criminal case files. 

15 October 2020 image

World Governance Indicators - Georgia in the World Bank Ranking 2020

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) constitute a research database based on over 30 data sources reflecting the views and evaluations stemming from citizens, entrepreneurs and experts.

23 September 2020 image

Cybersecurity Reform in Georgia: Existing Challenges, International Practice and Recommendations

The growing importance of cybersecurity in the modern world security architecture makes it necessary to pay more attention to strengthening cybersecurity in Georgia. Georgia is a country that has repeatedly become the subject of cyberespionage and full-scale cyber-attacks. According to statistical data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of cybercrimes is increasing daily.

18 September 2020 image

Secret Surveillance in Georgia - Analysis of the Legislation and Practice

The existence of strict guarantees for the protection of privacy is essential for the establishment of a free and democratic society. The constitutional right to privacy is an integral part of the concept of freedom. 

15 September 2020 image

Remuneration of Persons Employed in Public Institutions on the Basis of Administrative and Labor Contracts

To examine the practice of employment through labor and administrative contracts in the public sector, IDFI requested relevant public information from more than 100 public institutions (ministries, their subordinate legal entities of public law, and various independent public agencies).

9 September 2020 image

The Funding and the Ratings of Georgian Public Broadcaster after Three Years of Announced Reform

IDFI requested public information about the expenses, income, ratings, amount of remuneration and number of employees of Georgia Public Broadcaster. Simultaneously, data from the open sources covering the research period was analyzed, including, public procurement expenses related to the new building of the Broadcaster, reports on budget execution, incomes presented to the Georgian National Communications Commission.

31 July 2020 image

Implementation of the Judicial Strategy and the Action Plan

Based on the requirements set forth in the EU-Georgia Association Agenda, on May 29, 2017, after nearly a year of work, the High Council of Justice of Georgia approved the 2017- 2021 Judicial Strategy and its Implementation Action Plan for 2017-2018.


22 July 2020 image

Georgia in the UN E-Government Survey – Review of 2020 Results

Georgia’s scores in terms of e-government and e-participation have slightly improved in the UN E-Government Survey 2020. Although the country has dropped by 5 positions in the e-government ranking, it advanced by 7 positions in the e-participation ranking. 


15 July 2020 image

Georgia’s Implementation of 20 Eastern Partnership Deliverables for 2020

In the framework of the project “Assessing Georgia’s progress in 20 EaP Deliverables for 2020” IDFI summed up implementation and challenges of the Public Administration Reform.