
28 January 2021 image

The Importance of Personal Data Protection in the E-Governance Process

E-governance is related to the introduction of technology and innovations in government institutions. E-governance is the public sector's use of information and communication technologies with the aim of improving service and information delivery, encouraging citizen participation in the decision-making process, and making government more accountable, transparent and effective.

29 December 2020 image

Overview of the Anti-Crisis Plan

IDFI, with the support of the European Union (EU), is implementing the project – “Monitoring Covid-19 related public spending and human rights protection during the state of emergency and in the pre-Covid-19 period”.

25 December 2020 image

Results of the Monitoring of the Agro-Diesel Supply Program

IDFI, with the support of the European Union (EU), is implementing the project – “Monitoring Covid-19 related public spending and human rights protection during the state of emergency and after”. One of the main goals of the project is to monitor the implementation of the Georgian Government’s Anti-crisis Plan and the effectiveness of the state programs enacted within its framework.

21 December 2020 image

Energy Sector Overview - November

Institute for Development Freedom of Information (IDFI) has prepared an overview of current developments and challenges in the energy sector of Georgia up to and including November 2020.


9 December 2020 image

The COVID-19 related State Procurements

On February 26, 2020, the first case of the novel coronavirus was confirmed in Georgia, while on March 21, the state of emergency, that lasted until May 22, was declared. In this period, the coronavirus  related procurements were primarily conducted with simplified procedures. 

9 December 2020 image

Georgia’s Anti-Corruption Indexes are Worsening

In 2020 Georgia was mentioned in the rankings of several international organizations. Most of them indicate that corruption situation in the country is worsening with high-level corruption being mentioned as one of the causes. 

30 November 2020 image

Access to Oncology Treatment in Georgia

Oncological diseases have remained one of the leading causes of death globally. Cancer treatments are often complex and can be long, requiring significant financial needs. As of today, up to 40 thousand patients with cancer are registered in Georgia according to the Minister of Health.


26 November 2020 image

MONEYVAL assessment of Georgia on money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF)

Money laundering risks in Georgia have existed and discussed by relevant international organisations as well as strategic partners. Money laundering risks of Georgia has been discussed by the US State Department for years. 

23 November 2020 image

Were Georgians Beloved in the Soviet Union?

On 27 August 2019, the historian Sergey Bondarenko published an article called “Stalin – Insole, Goat, Hooligan” (“Stalin – stel’ka, kozyol, khaliugan (sic)” in which he presented five different stories of insulting the Great Leader in the 1930s based on criminal case files. 

15 October 2020 image

World Governance Indicators - Georgia in the World Bank Ranking 2020

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) constitute a research database based on over 30 data sources reflecting the views and evaluations stemming from citizens, entrepreneurs and experts.