
25 January 2016 image

Healthcare Cost Containment Mechanisms and Georgia’s Healthcare System

In 2015, just like during previous years, the universal healthcare program expenditures exceeded the foreseen budget. The statement made by the mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) verifies the above-mentioned: “Healthcare costs were higher in 2015 than it was planned.

14 January 2016 image

Open Data Web-applications Created by IDFI

Based on the open data published on the Georgian government portal IDFI has created special web-applications - currency exchange offices in Georgia and registry of notary bureaus in Georgia.

12 January 2016 image

Parliament of Georgia Established Permanent Parliamentary Council On Open and Transparent Governance

On December 30th, 2015, in accordance with the #195/3 Order of the Chairperson of the Parliament of Georgia, the Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open and Transparent Governance was established.

5 January 2016 image

Forms of Ownership of Medical Organizations, World Practice and Georgia

In different developed and developing countries, there are several forms of ownership of medical organizations: Nonprofit, For-profit, State-owned, Public-private partnership. Such diversity is mostly due to the particularities of the medical market. However, there are predominantly two forms of ownership in Georgia – for-profit and state-owned.


29 December 2015 image

OGP Featured Commitment of December

Open Government Partnership published December Newsletter in which Ukraine's commitment on Regulating Access to Communist-era Archives became the Featured OGP Commitment. The above-mentioned commitment aims at regulating access to the files of the Soviet period secret services and law enforcement agencies.

28 December 2015 image

What’s the Use of Appealing?!

According to Government of Georgia (GoG), civil service reform is one of the most important priorities. According to strategic plan ‘Georgia 2020’ ‘facilitate the development of a human resources management system as part of efforts to ensure the stability of public service provision and the recruitment of qualified staff through relevant material and career motivation’.

25 December 2015 image

Accessibility of judicial decisions in the EBRD’s countries of operations

Accessibility of judicial decisions in the EBRD’s countries of operations

25 December 2015 image

Remuneration of the Members of the High Council of Justice in 2015

IDFI published analysis of remuneration of the members of the high council of justice in 2015

18 December 2015 image

Implementation of the Open Parliament Georgia Action Plan Has Begun

On December 18th, 2015, the Parliament of Georgia has adopted the amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Georgia on the third hearing which considers establishment of the Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open and Transparent Governance.

18 December 2015 image

OGP has the New Director

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) has announced that Sanjay Pradhan was selected to lead the Partnership starting mid 2016 and he will also lead the OGP Support Unit.