
17 September 2021 image

Archives, Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories: the Case of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church

Understandably, the expectations from opening of the communist secret services archives are high. Society hopes that the archives will provide long awaited answers on the communist regime and its collapse, and that this step will lead to greater transparency of institutions, it will restore the justice, and pave the way for meritocratic development of the new elites.

6 September 2021 image

IDFI Supported Tbilisi City Hall in Elaborating Open Data Portal Concept and Technical Terms of Reference

With the active participation of IDFI and financial support of USAID GGI, Tbilisi City Hall elaborated and approved the concept of an open data portal, based on which the portal will be launched. Along with the concept, a detailed technical description of the portal was prepared.


1 September 2021 image

To Andre Gide – the traitor

Andre Paul Guillaume Gide (1869-1951)  was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. At the time of his death, his obituary in The New York Times described him as "France's greatest contemporary man of letters". In 1936 Paolo Iashvili dedicated a poem full of hatred and curses to this world-known writer, the reason for which must be sought in the communist, terror-creating, state system…

27 August 2021 image

Another refusal to increase the subsidy for the state repressed people

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and the Society "Memorial" received a reply from the Ministry of Finance of Georgia on August 18, 2021 to the letters sent by the organizations to the Parliament of Georgia, the Prime Minister of Georgia and the Ministry of Finance.

23 August 2021 image

Awarding of the Participants of the Student Conference on the Topic of Personal Data Protection Was Held

On August 19, 2021, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information and the State Inspector’s Service held a joint event, where the authors of the 15 best essays identified during the student conference on personal data protection were awarded and granted certificates. 


12 August 2021 image

Remuneration Policy in Local Self-Governments and the Promise of the Prime Minister

At the Government Meeting on August 9, 2021, the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Gharibashvili, spoke about the necessity of increasing the salaries of public servants. According to the Prime Minister, the remuneration of public sector employees could not compete with the private sector.

10 August 2021 image

Summer School on Personal Data Protection

On August 2-7, 2021, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and State Inspector's Service held the joint summer school on personal data protection.

3 August 2021 image

Opening of the Summer School on Personal Data Protection

On August 3, 2021, in cooperation with the State Inspector's Service, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) held the opening event of the joint summer school on personal data protection.


3 August 2021 image

Development of the Accessibility Concept of the Website of the Supreme Council of Ajara has been completed

The Open Governance Council of the Supreme Council of Ajara and its Consultative Group worked on fulfilling the 6th Commitment of the Open Governance Action Plan for 2020-2021, which deals with the adaptation of the webpage of the Supreme Council for people with special needs. This commitment includes the development of accessibility concept.


3 August 2021 image

Development of the Accessibility Concept of the Supreme Council of Ajara Building has been completed

The Open Governance Council of the Supreme Council of Ajara and its Consultative Group continue implementation of the Open Governance Action Plan for 2020-2021.