Awareness raising activities carried out by IDFI in 2013

Awareness 28 April 2014

With the aim of raising the awareness among the society, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) had carried out number of activities in 2013; the activities included public discussions, presentations, conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings and information campaigns (producing and spreading the videos and flyers). Through these activities students, public servants, media, representatives of non-governmental organizations and members of civil society had opportunity to get information about various issues, including request of public information, civic engagement in public policy, open government partnership, various economic and social issues, repressions of 1937-1938 etc.

In this regard we can distinguish the following activities:

  • Based on the experience, IDFI has frequently assisted the representatives of media in obtaining the public information. However, this year, IDFI focused on engaging the society as well. In particular, within the frames of the “Public Information Database –” project, organization assists any person in formulating the request of information statement and later ensures that the information is obtained from the public institution;
  • Furthermore, with the purpose of raising the awareness among the society, organization has conducted public discussions in the regions of Georgia. Besides the issues connected to the public information, one of the discussions was dedicated to introducing the commitments taken by the government of Georgia within the frames of the international initiative – Open Government Partnership;
  • Organization was active in regards of organizing the discussions and presentations about electronic governing and major characteristics of effective communication with the government as well as spreading flyers and videos;
  • Within the frames of the “Supporting the E-governance in Georgia” program, which is the joint endeavor of Public Service Bureau and European Union, experts of the organization have conducted the trainings for the public servants on the following issues:
    - Ethics in e-governance and protecting the personal data;
    - Formulating the strategy of e-governance and project management;
    - Freedom of Information and proactive disclosure of information.


Besides the listed events IDFI has also conducted the discussions in cooperation with the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (dvv International) on the following issues: “Generation 1989” , universal insurance , labor code etc.
The analysts and the researchers of the organization had been periodically sharing the findings through blog-posts: “Opendata Blog” , “E-participation in Georgia” , “Open Government Partnership – Georgia” (provided both - Georgian and English versions).

In regards of analyzing the totalitarian past, IDFI had organized the exhibition on the repressions of 1937-1938 years. The event presented the unique photo and documentary materials depicting the tragic events taking place in Georgia. IDFI had obtained these data from the Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, archive of society “Memorial of Georgia” and the personal archives of the families of the victims of the repressions. On the anniversary of Stalin, IDFI organized the symbolic demonstration in the memory of the victims of the repressions of 1937-38 years. Besides, IDFI researchers conducted number of lectures for the high school students on Stalinism and the mass repressions.


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