Open Governance and Anti-Corruption

28 May 2013 image

IDFI Signed an Ethical and Quality Standards Document

On May 21, 16 Georgian Think Tanks signed an Ethical and Quality Standards Document. The document presents comprehensive standards to guide the work of Georgian think tanks and establishes principles to ensure that the think tanks meet the highest possible professional standards. The ethical code covers organizational themes such as transparency, accountability and governance, while the quality standards focuses on research, analysis, and advocacy processes. At the sig

27 May 2013 image

Concept of citizen platform – On August 30, 2011 Georgia joined the international initiative Open Government Partnership. In frames of OGP Georgian government has taken major commitment in the field of transparency and implementing the best practice of open governance. In particular, Georgian government has considered the recommendations proposed by IDFI and civil society and has added significant commitment to the OGP action plan to implement national citizen platform in 2013. Thi

27 May 2013 image

Concept of citizen platform – On August 30, 2011 Georgia joined the international initiative Open Government Partnership. In frames of OGP Georgian government has taken major commitment in the field of transparency and implementing the best practice of open governance. In particular, Georgian government has considered the recommendations proposed by IDFI and civil society and has added significant commitment to the 

21 May 2013 image

Georgia’s Digital Switchover Strategy

Georgias Digital Switchover Strategy The policy document defines the relevant standards related to effective use of spectrum, protection of consumer rights, optimization of costs, and influence on competition and investments. The document also determines how consumers will be migrated to the digital broadcasting and what assistance the state plans to provide the end users in addition to the financial support. This strategy response to challenges faced both by consumers and suppliers.

13 May 2013 image

Works in Progress: Openness in State Universities

On May 8, 2013 a public discussion about transparency of state universities was held within the format of Works in Progress. The presentation was prepared on the basis of the public information received within the framework of project Public Information Database in 2010-2013 and was made by an analyst of IDFI, Tamar Iakobidze. Georgian and Foreign representatives of academia were present at the discussion. Analysis covered public information received from ten state uni

2 May 2013 image

IDFI distributed informational flyers

The project Development of e-Participation in Georgia aims at increasing governments accountability, establishing modern forms of government-citizen communication and involving citizens in active social and political life. In the frames of this project IDFI planned the event which aims at increasing the social consciousness about the importance of citizen involvement in public policy. It is very important to ensure that the members of society get more actively involved in decision making

1 May 2013 image

Discussion with the representatives of media

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information conducted a discussion with the representatives of media in the frames of the Development of e-Participation in Georgia project. The main topic of the meeting was the public relation strategy of government agencies and assessment of the level of usage of the communication tools. IDFI presented the tendencies that were identified during the monitoring of the web-sites and social network pages of government agencies. Particip

29 April 2013 image

The number of registered crime has increased by 16.6% in 2013

On April 12, 2013 IDFI (Institute for Development of Freedom of Information) has addressed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia with public information request. IDFI has requested statistical data of the crime registered in Georgia in January, February and March, 2013, according to months and articles of law. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia replied to the request on April 24, 2013. The provided information was incomplete, since it did not specify statistical inform

26 April 2013 image

Statistics of Public Information Release Before and After Parliamentary Elections

During 9 months of the project Public Information IDFI has addressed 224 public authorities with the total of 2441 requests, 1525 of which have been replied completely. Out of 2441 requests sent by the Institute 294 have been left unanswered, 194 have been answered incompletely, there were 26 cases of refusal and in the rest 402 cases the public authorities stated that they either did not have the requested information, or had not carried out the specific action.

25 April 2013 image

International Conference about Freedom of Information and Open Government Partnership

On 26-27 April a conference dedicated to the issues of open government partnership and freedom of information will take place in Tbilisi. The conference was organized by the National Security Archive (George Washington University, US) and IDFI (Institute for Development of Freedom of Information). The representatives of nongovernmental and human rights organizations from seven countries - United States, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Georg