Open Governance and Anti-Corruption

15 May 2018 image

Georgian Youth for Parliamentary Openness in Georgia

Winners of the Youth Contest – Your Idea for Open Parliament have been revealed. Ideas submitted by Rusudan Mgeladze, Kalenike Uridia and Shalva Dekanozishvili were approved by the Permanent Council on Open and Transparent Governance and will be reviewed during elaboration process of the third Open Parliament Action Plan for the years of 2018-2019.

15 May 2018 image

Statistics on the Calls Received by 112

IDFI publishes the statistics on the calls received by 112 for emergency medical services, police and fire brigade in 2013-2017.

4 May 2018 image

Analysis of Drug-Related Criminal Statistics – Practice and Declared Goals Do Not Match

The discussion of the liberalization of the existing policy towards drug users in Georgia has been ongoing for several years now. In 2017, this process entered an active phase when a draft law was introduced to the Parliament of Georgia. The draft law envisions the liberalization of drug policy and the development of rehabilitation programs for drug users.


3 May 2018 image

Overview of the Reforms in the Prosecution System of Georgia: Achievements and Existing Challenges

In 2013, the Government of Georgia initiated institutional reforming process of the PSG in order to achieve a greater independence and autonomy of the Prosecution Service of Georgia (PSG).

2 May 2018 image

Homeless Population Numbers

According to the latest available universal population census, Georgia has only 89 homeless persons. There currently exists no complete definition of a homeless person on the legislative level. It is necessary to clearly define who is considered homeless and without shelter. 

1 May 2018 image

IDFI Launched EU Supported Project to Increase the Independence & Capacity of Prosecution Service of Georgia

A new, two-year project supported by the European Union (EU) will increase the independence and capacity of the Prosecution Service of Georgia (PSG).  Enhancing the accountability of the PSG and empowering information exchange between the government, civil society, media and public on the ongoing major reforms in the system.

20 April 2018 image

Promoting Citizen Involvement in Parliamentary Openness: Information Campaign for Elaborating the 2018-2019 Action Plan has Ended

Parliamentary openness, commitments implemented as part of the Open Parliament Action Plan (AP) and new ideas for Georgia’s third AP were the focus of an information campaign carried out over the months of March and April in six cities of Georgia.  


16 April 2018 image

Georgia’s Global Leadership Opportunity

In 2017 democracy faced its most serious crisis in decades, according to independent watchdog Freedom House, as fundamental human rights, the rule of law and civil society came under attack around the world. For open government advocates the reaction has been palpable as hard-won gains were eroded in many countries, and the political champions for openness on the global stage struggled to face down the rise of closed government.

11 April 2018 image

Medical Care Expenses of Patients Living in the Occupied Territories

IDFI requested public information from the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs regarding statistical data of 2014-2017, on patients living in the occupied territories, receiving stationary services provided by the medical institutions of Georgia. The ministry has fully provided requested information.

11 April 2018 image

Medical Care Expenses of Patients Living in the Occupied Territories

Medical care expenses of patients living in the occupied territories.