Open Governance and Anti-Corruption

5 October 2019 image

IDFI's Training in Kutaisi City

IDFI’s held yet another training for journalists and activists from Kutaisi on - Using Open Data for an Effective Government Oversight. The training enabled the participants to learn more on how to identify suspicious public tenders, control state budget execution, request and obtain public information, etc.

27 September 2019 image

IDFI and the State Inspector Service Held a Public Discussion about the Draft Law on Personal Data Protection

IDFI and the State Inspector Service held a public discussion about the Draft Law on Personal Data Protection. The event brought together representatives of the State Inspector Service, the Parliament of Georgia, civil society and media organizations to exchange positions and concerns about draft law.

24 September 2019 image

Hearing on Civic Engagement Instruments & Practices in State Agencies as part of its Thematic Inquiry Group was Held

The Permanent Parliamentary Council on Open Governance held a hearing on Civic Engagement Instruments and Practices in State Agencies as part of its thematic inquiry group.


20 September 2019 image

Extent of SDGs Integration in the National Public Policy System of Georgia

Nationalizing all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and relevant targets constitute a declared policy of the Government of Georgia. The given analysis aims at ascertaining to what extent existing national policy documents contain obligations in line with SDG indicators. The evaluation will assist the GoG to identify challenges and take relevant steps in regards to nationalizing specific SDGs.


20 September 2019 image

OGP – Answer to Tackling the Slow Progress of SDGs Implementation

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets ambitious goals and reaching them constitutes a considerable challenge globally. The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) held in July this year demonstrated that the progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is slow. 

18 September 2019 image

IDFI Hosted the Delegation from Sierra Leone

On 18 September 2019, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) hosted the delegation from Sierra Leone, consisting of: Hon. Paran Umar Tarawally - Clerk at the Parliament of Sierra Leone; Marcella E. Samba-Sesay - Executive Director at the Campaign for Good Governance; and Alusine Diamond-Suma - Programme Coordinator at the Westminster Foundation for Democracy. 

22 August 2019 image

Development of the New Anti-corruption Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2020 has been Faulty

On 16 July, 2019, Interagency Anticorruption Council of Georgia on its 17th meeting discussed the draft Anticorruption Strategy and Action Plan for 2019-2020. In the second half of August, 2019, the strategic anticorruption documents have not yet been adopted by the Government. 

20 August 2019 image

Engaging Civil Society Organizations in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

“Leaving no one behind” is the central principle of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Cooperation and inclusion are key concepts in its implementation, which can be achieved through effective engagement with civil society organizations (CSOs) and NGOs.

29 July 2019 image

Permanent Consultation Bodies in the Prosecutor’s Office

One novelty of the updated Organic Law on Prosecution Service is the introduction of permanent consultation bodies in the Prosecutor’s Office, namely: Career Management, Ethics and Incentives Council; and Strategic Development and Criminal Law Policy Council;

23 July 2019 image

IDFI Published a Study on Possible Risks of Corruption in the National Wrestling Federation of Georgia

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) published a study on 2015-2018 expenditures and related corruption risks at the National Wrestling Federation of Georgia.