Project Name: Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) Quality Tracking in Georgia
Donor Organization: Deloitte Consulting LLP on behalf of the United States Agency for International Development (“USAID”) under Contract No. AID- 114-C-14-00007 for Governing for Growth (G4G) in Georgia
Project Number: RFA#2015 - 008
Grant Amount: 94,700.00 USD
Period of Performance: September 21, 2015 – September 21, 2018
Project Description
Collaboration between public and private actors is vital for economic development because an inclusive, participative, collaborative process leads to more effective policies and laws.
The newly-awarded USAID Governing for Growth (G4G) in Georgia project is designed to, among other things, facilitate a constructive dialogue between the public and private sectors by strengthening the capacity of both to effectively cooperate on policy and legislation. This includes building the capacity of government and private sector actors to utilize an evidence-based approach in policy-making and advocacy.
In accordance with the abovementioned principles, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) will establish a regular, institutionalized platform for Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) intended to extend to future policy-making and development of legislation.
About Governing for Growth (G4G) Project
Governing for Growth (G4G) in Georgia is a five-year USAID funded Project implemented by Deloitte Consulting LLP since August 2014.
The purpose of the project is to support the Government of Georgia to create a better enabling environment in which legal and regulatory reforms are fairly and transparently conceived, implemented and enforced providing a level playing field for small and medium size enterprise growth.
G4G will strengthen capacity of both, public and private sectors, to effectively cooperate on identified reforms through an inclusive consultative process.
To achieve the goal, G4G will be supporting inclusive and constructive dialogue among government, private sector, and civil society stakeholders for the effective formulation of reforms to drive economic development nurtured through transparent and accountable oversight of the state.
G4G is comprised of five components: (1) Support inclusive public-private dialogue, (2) Strengthen the capacity of the GOG to develop, implement and enforce reforms, (3) Improve water resource management across multiple competing interests, (4) Improve economic governance and leadership of energy trading policy, including cross-border trading of electricity, and (5) Strengthen the capacity of private sector and civil society actors to advocate for reforms.
The objective of this grant is to develop and implement a “PPD Quality Tracking Mechanism” for which each major law or regulation proposed by selected key ministries will be evaluated upon the extent and quality of inclusive consultation and assigned a rating in terms of four PPD quality parameters:
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
12.02.2025IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director