Rule of Law, Human Rights and Freedom of Media

11 June 2019 image

Access to Court Decisions – Constitutional Court Grants the Appeal of IDFI

Access to court decisions in Georgia significantly deteriorated from October 2015. The balance between personal data protection and access to public information was disrupted as unconditional priority was given to personal data protection.IDFI found that existing regulation on access to court decisions violated the Constitution of Georgia and filed an appeal at the Constitutional Court of Georgia. On June 7, 2019, the Constitutional Court of Georgia granted the appeal of IDFI.  

13 May 2019 image

Threat Posed to Freedom of Expression in Georgia

Freedom of expression is particularly important for human freedom and democratic development of society. The opportunity of equal and full exercise of this right determines the degree of openness and democracy of society.

8 May 2019 image

Compliance with Procedural Time Limits for Considering Cases and Preparing Judgments in Tbilisi City Court - Practice of 2015-2018

The excessive caseload of common courts of Georgia has been a significant challenge for years. Procedural delays in case processing pose a risk of violating the right to a fair hearing within a reasonable period - the right to a fair trial. In addition, the abundance of cases may have an impact on the quality of judgments and their justification.

23 April 2019 image

Increasing Transparency of Archival Documents in Georgia – Legislative Proposal of IDFI

Although transparency and accountability constitute declared proprieties on the political agenda of the Government of Georgia, the country still stands considerably behind in regards with access to historical archives as compared to other Eastern European states.

22 April 2019 image

Perceptions of Prosecutors’ and Judges’ Wheelings and Dealings

Rustavi 2 TV channel broadcasted an investigative documentary Studio Monitor and Radio Liberty produced. The documentary “Judges in the Government’s Service” followed up on the government’s attemptedconfiscation of Constanta Bank from its founders in 2011. It further hinted at alleged misconduct by the prosecutors and judges. CRRC-Georgia conducted a follow-up phone survey to find out whether and how the public viewed the documentary.

18 April 2019 image

Problems Identified in the Judges’ Professional Training System Suggest that Comprehensive Reform of the High School of Justice is Needed

International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) and Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) presented the research on the Judges’ Professional Training System in Georgia. The research provides an overview of the institutional arrangement of the High School of Justice of Georgia (HSoJ) and main challenges related to its work.

12 April 2019 image

Georgians are Split over the Prosecutor’s Office in Georgia

Rustavi 2 broadcasted an investigative film created by the Studio Monitor and Radio Liberty about a suspended investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia. The film How to subjugate a judge? focused on accusations against prosecutors and judges related to the abuse of power, seizure of real estate, and giving of land to private individuals.

10 April 2019 image

Georgians are Split over the Prosecutor’s Office in Georgia

Rustavi 2 broadcasted an investigative film created by the Studio Monitor and Radio Liberty about a suspended investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia. The film How to subjugate a judge? focused on accusations against prosecutors and judges related to the abuse of power, seizure of real estate, and giving of land to private individuals. Phone survey was conducted to find out if people watched the film and what was their attitude towards the issues raised in it. 

28 March 2019 image

IDFI’s Opinion on the Reform Separating Prosecutorial and Investigative Powers

In 2018, the Georgian Government initiated a wide-scale reform of the investigative system with one of the key elements of the reform being separation of the investigative and prosecution functions.

27 March 2019 image

New System of Case Distribution in Common Courts

Introduction of the electronic system for case distribution in Common Courts is one of the most important novelties introduced under the "Third Wave" of judicial reform. One year monitoring revealed the following significant challenges with regards to the full implementation of the new system.