
2 August 2013 image

The right of access to information in the European Union institutions and the role of the European Ombudsman

Author: Nino Tsukhishvili The right of access to information in the European Union institutions and the role of the European Ombudsman The right of access to information is an essential element for providing transparency of the European Union institutions, promoting good governance of the decision-making bodies and ensuring communication between the European citizens and the institutions of the European Union.The principle of transparency requires access to official documents hel

2 August 2013 image

The right of access to information in the European Union institutions and the role of the European Ombudsman

The article will discuss the scope of the legislation, the restrictions of the right to receive information and its procedural guarantees as well as the role of the European Ombudsman in the effective implementation of the right of access to information and the latest cases decided by the European Ombudsman in this area.

23 July 2013 image

24th July Round Table on Proactive Disclosure of Public Information

On July 24th, 2013 the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), with support of the USAID Good Governance in Georgia (G-3) Program organized a round table: Proactive Disclosure of Public Information and invited NGOs, experts and Mass-media representatives working in the field of freedom of Information. The Round table was welcomed by Maia Gogoladze, USAID, G-3 Program Deputy Chief of Party,. She in general introduced the IDFI/ USAID, G-3 project Improving of

19 July 2013 image

Decree “About the Necessary Measures for the Implementation of the Action Plan of Georgia for the Open Government Partnership”

The Government of Georgia published an official decree “about the necessary measures for the implementation of the action plan of Georgia for the Open Government Partnership”, in which it took into account the recommendations developed by the Civil Society of Georgia, led by IDFI, regarding the action plan of Georgia, sent to the Prime Minister of Georgia on February 5th, 2012.

10 July 2013 image

Principles to Consider: Rural Estonian E-Participation and Internet Accessibility

Estonia is a post-Soviet Baltic nation of 1.3 million people, with Russia located on its Eastern border. The past ten years have seen Estonia implement comprehensive e-Government policies providing quality internet access to 70% of rural citizens (Statistics Estonia, 2012). In 2012, Estonia was the highest ranked post-Soviet country in e-Government capabilities by the UN Public Administration Program at 20th overall.

5 July 2013 image

Conference on Open Government Partnership Gathered the Representatives of NGOs and Experts from Seven Countries

On April 25th, 2013, the National Security Archive (George Washington University, DC) and the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) organized a two-day conference in the Kopala Hotel in Tbilisi, Georgia.

1 July 2013 image

Development of e-participation in Georgia - Final Report

Development of e-participation in Georgia - Final Report From 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), in cooperation with Center for Post-Soviet Studies (CPSS) was implementing a project Development of e-participation in Georgia with the financial support of the grant Partnership for Change, within the framework of the USAID program of East-West Management Institute Public Policy, Advocacy and Civil Society Development in Georgia (G

26 June 2013 image

Georgian Citizens detained by Russian Occupational Armed Forces

IDFI has received official information from the Ministry of Interior of Georgia, about the Georgian citizens detained by Occupational Army of the Russian Federation for crossing the occupation line. As we learn from the received document, a total of 1110 Georgian citizens have been illegally detained by the occupational forces in the period between 2009 June 2013. 474 of them have been detained at Tskhinvali occupational line, and 636 near Abkhazia. The most peo

25 June 2013 image

E-Participation Mechanisms on the Web-pages on Public Institutions – Final Report

Monitoring of communication mechanisms of the web-pages of public institutions detected the following tendencies: In most cases government institutions use their official pages inefficiently. This e-resource is not perceived as tool of communicating with the citizens and providing their involvement in political processes; Mainly institutions just share news about their own activities and pay less attention to evaluating the activities and getting feedback. Very few of the institutions

24 June 2013 image

Presentation of Final Results of the Project “Development of e-Participation in Georgia”

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information in cooperation with the Center for Post Soviet Studies will present the final results of monitoring of official Facebook and web-pages of public institutions on June 25th, Tuesday, at Courtyard Marriot. Presentation will cover the concept of citizen platform, rating of public institutions according to the communication mechanisms of their e-resources and recommendations for improving bilateral communication be

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