Civic Tech and Innovations

25 November 2013 image

Digital Broadcasting Switchover - Challenges and Problems in Georgia

The study from IDFI contains those main recommendations that should be reflected in the policy document for the transition to digital terrestrial broadcasting of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia. We think that those risks that might threaten the media development and freedom will be reduced to a minimum if the abovementioned suggestions are taken into account.

23 October 2013 image

Internet Freedom in Georgia – Report N1

Internet technologies are gradually gaining foothold in Georgia. In order to display the main tendencies in this regard, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) prepared a report which explores Internet accessibility, access to public information, implementation of e-governance and freedom of expression in Georgia. Internet Freedom in Georgia Report N1 Main findings of the first report: Despite growing tendency, it is apparent that limited internet access

23 October 2013 image

Internet Freedom in Georgia – Report N1

Internet technologies are gradually gaining foothold in Georgia. In order to display the main tendencies in this regard, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) prepared a report which explores Internet accessibility, access to public information, implementation of e-governance and freedom of expression in Georgia.

26 September 2013 image

Ukrainian Examples of Transfer to Digital Broadcasting

On 12-18 September, 2013, the media and telecommunications expert from NNEL Institute for Development of Freedom of Information - Ucha Seturi, who is working on the project of transition of Georgia to digital terrestrial broadcasting and had published a number of studies and recommendations regarding this topic, participated in a conference held within the frameworks of the Ukrainian Media Week, invited by the Ukrainian Broadcasters Association. In his presentation the expert from IDFI presen

10 July 2013 image

Principles to Consider: Rural Estonian E-Participation and Internet Accessibility

Estonia is a post-Soviet Baltic nation of 1.3 million people, with Russia located on its Eastern border. The past ten years have seen Estonia implement comprehensive e-Government policies providing quality internet access to 70% of rural citizens (Statistics Estonia, 2012). In 2012, Estonia was the highest ranked post-Soviet country in e-Government capabilities by the UN Public Administration Program at 20th overall.

1 July 2013 image

Development of e-participation in Georgia - Final Report

Development of e-participation in Georgia - Final Report From 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), in cooperation with Center for Post-Soviet Studies (CPSS) was implementing a project Development of e-participation in Georgia with the financial support of the grant Partnership for Change, within the framework of the USAID program of East-West Management Institute Public Policy, Advocacy and Civil Society Development in Georgia (G

25 June 2013 image

E-Participation Mechanisms on the Web-pages on Public Institutions – Final Report

Monitoring of communication mechanisms of the web-pages of public institutions detected the following tendencies: In most cases government institutions use their official pages inefficiently. This e-resource is not perceived as tool of communicating with the citizens and providing their involvement in political processes; Mainly institutions just share news about their own activities and pay less attention to evaluating the activities and getting feedback. Very few of the institutions

24 June 2013 image

Presentation of Final Results of the Project “Development of e-Participation in Georgia”

Institute for Development of Freedom of Information in cooperation with the Center for Post Soviet Studies will present the final results of monitoring of official Facebook and web-pages of public institutions on June 25th, Tuesday, at Courtyard Marriot. Presentation will cover the concept of citizen platform, rating of public institutions according to the communication mechanisms of their e-resources and recommendations for improving bilateral communication be

24 June 2013 image

The results of January-April monitoring of official Facebook pages of public institutions

Since October 1st government institutions showed progress in e-democracy sphere. The majority of the institutions that had closed Facebook walls and were unavailable to be contacted via Facebook message, already fixed the problems and provided more tools for communicating with the citizens. Also, public institutions became more active in interacting with the citizens. Most of them frequently respond to the questions and comments of the citizens. Despite the above mentioned, problems an

24 June 2013 image

The results of January-April monitoring of official Facebook pages of public institutions

Since October 1st government institutions showed progress in e-democracy sphere. The majority of the institutions that had closed Facebook walls and were unavailable to be contacted via Facebook message, already fixed the problems and provided more tools for communicating with the citizens. Also, public institutions became more active in interacting with the citizens. Most of them frequently respond to the questions and comments of the citizens. Despite the above mentioned, problems and ch

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