
13 March 2014 image

Internet Freedom in Georgia – Report N2

Internet Freedom in Georgia Report N2 When the engineers and scientists started another attempt to increase defense during the Cold War, and eventually sent their first tests of data packets between interconnected computers in the early 1960s, probably very few could have imagined the impact that internet has on daily lives of billions of people nowadays. With the Cold War and its threats long ceased to be on the agenda, internet has gradually spread to virtually all aspects of huma

1 July 2013 image

Development of e-participation in Georgia - Final Report

Development of e-participation in Georgia - Final Report From 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), in cooperation with Center for Post-Soviet Studies (CPSS) was implementing a project Development of e-participation in Georgia with the financial support of the grant Partnership for Change, within the framework of the USAID program of East-West Management Institute Public Policy, Advocacy and Civil Society Development in Georgia (G

25 June 2013 image

E-Participation Mechanisms on the Web-pages on Public Institutions – Final Report

Monitoring of communication mechanisms of the web-pages of public institutions detected the following tendencies: In most cases government institutions use their official pages inefficiently. This e-resource is not perceived as tool of communicating with the citizens and providing their involvement in political processes; Mainly institutions just share news about their own activities and pay less attention to evaluating the activities and getting feedback. Very few of the institutions

24 June 2013 image

The results of January-April monitoring of official Facebook pages of public institutions

Since October 1st government institutions showed progress in e-democracy sphere. The majority of the institutions that had closed Facebook walls and were unavailable to be contacted via Facebook message, already fixed the problems and provided more tools for communicating with the citizens. Also, public institutions became more active in interacting with the citizens. Most of them frequently respond to the questions and comments of the citizens. Despite the above mentioned, problems an

24 June 2013 image

The results of January-April monitoring of official Facebook pages of public institutions

Since October 1st government institutions showed progress in e-democracy sphere. The majority of the institutions that had closed Facebook walls and were unavailable to be contacted via Facebook message, already fixed the problems and provided more tools for communicating with the citizens. Also, public institutions became more active in interacting with the citizens. Most of them frequently respond to the questions and comments of the citizens. Despite the above mentioned, problems and ch

4 December 2012 image

Monitoring of e-Transparecy of Georgian Court System

In October 2011 the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information started a project called Improving the Accountability and Transparency of the Georgian Courts within the frameworks of the Civic Initiative for an Independent Judiciary program of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF). The main goal of the project was the monitoring of the e-resources of the system of the Georgian courts and increasing the level of transparency and accountability in the activities of the Georgian

25 October 2012 image

e-Transparency of court system of Georgia

The project Improving the Accountability and Transparency of the Georgian Courts has been implemented within the framework of the program of Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) Civic Initiative for an Independent Judiciary, which has been financed by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through East-West Management Institute (EWMI). Within the framework of the research official web-pages of 16 courts of Georgian court system have been monitored, the level of their info

10 October 2012 image

E-transparency in Georgia 2012

The project Monitoring of Information (Internet) Resources of Public Authorities of Georgia was funded by Open Society Foundations (OSF), Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) and the National Security Archive. 104 public authorities were monitored in its framework. According to the research results of 104 public authorities of Georgia: The average degree of the transparency of the web-pages of public authorities is 13.91%, and the average degree of technical operability is 39.7%.

13 April 2012 image

The results of the second stage of the project “Public Information Database” –

The second phase of the project Public Information Database - has started in Septeber, 2011. IDFI has submitted official requests for public information to public authorities of Georgia and has requested information on different issues and administrative expenses incurred for the period of the second quarter (April-June) 2011. Questions of the second and first phases were the same, but simultaneously IDFI with the standard requests has submitted questions about the creation of

10 February 2012 image

Proactive Disclosure of Court Statistics and other Public Information on Websites of Judiciary

This study was made by the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) in the frameworks of the project Improving the Accountability and Transparency of the Georgian Courts and is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), East West Managment Institute (EWMI), and Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), within the Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerment Project. The contents are the