Public Information Database - 2012-2013

Projects | Completed Projects 1 June 2012




Funded by the Open Society Georgia Foundation / Open Society Foundations

Project Budget- $61 000.00

Duration of the Project -June 2012- June 2013


In June 2012 Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) extended the project “Public Information Database –“. Within the framework of the project it is planned to further refine and develop the information web-portal and develop the analytical dimensions. The implementation of the idea started in 2010 with the pilot project “Public information on-line database – Public information registry”, which was continued in March 2011 and ended in April 2012.


The existing resource database enables the population of Georgia, press and media means, non-governmental and international organizations to have an eye on the trends of spreading the public information and conduct online monitoring of reports, plans, spending, development of various authorities etc.  


Within the framework of the project IDFI will create and develop information web-portal which will permanently display public information officially requested from public authorities for the following purposes:


  • To increase the level of transparency and accountability of public authorities;
  • To promote effectiveness and transparency of public finance expenditures;
  • To promote development of freedom of information via establishment of e-democracy standards;
  • To improve public control over public authorities via the involvement of the population, non-governmental sector and media;
  • To increase the level of public awareness and civil engagement in the decision-making process of the public authorities.


The strategy of project implementation is as follows:

  • The development of bilingual (Georgian-English) FoI public information web-resource;
  • The establishment of database of up-to-date and socially significant public information;
  • The continuous updating of the internet database via public information requests and alternative sources of public information.
  • The permanent informing of the society and international organizations about the information resources of the database;
  • Active advocacy of the issues of freedom of information;
  • Activating and supporting the involvement of the society in discussing the issues of freedom of information.


In order to implement the abovementioned strategy IDFI is planning the following activities:

  • Informational update of the database
  • Coalition activity
  • Technological improvement of the web-page
  • Proactive social lobbying of the single database
  • The compilation of resonant cases, the initiation of lawsuits and claims and the support of their publicity
  • Publications prepared and issued within the framework of project
  • Organizing get-acquainted meetings with the society interested in the outreach activities in the regions of Georgia.


The main novelties of the extended project:

  • Award Ceremony

By the end of the project in 2011-2012 IDFI has established special awards and nominations in order to reveal the most closed and nontransparent administrative organs, aiming at encouraging the public authorities and creating healthy competition among them. As a result of big interest of the society and the public authorities, the Institute is planning to give such ceremony systematic character.


  • Analytical Activity

Taking into account the lack of adequate processing of public information data by the Georgian investigative journalism, the Institute decided to develop its own analytical sources. During the project in 2011-2012 IDFI provided detailed analysis and record keeping of the received public information. Based on the public information the project team has revealed the public institutions, which incurred most spending on various activities during the second quarter of 2011. At the same time, a number of analytical articles have been prepared and shared:


  • How Much will The Funding of the Members of Parliament Increase, if Their Number Is Increased By 40 –!lang/en/cat/project_researches/topic/34

  • Freedom of Information in Georgia –

  • Lazika: Democratic Deficit in Public Decision Making Process

  • Information about the Bonuses Paid to the Governors and Heads of Municipal Boards in the I-II Quarters of 2011!lang/en/cat/news/topic/562

On the new stage of the project IDFI is planning to further develop and broaden the research component. IDFI will publish analytical notes and articles based on the obtained information on a regular basis. A special blog of will be created for this purpose:


Activities Carried Out Withing the Project