Access to Public Information in Georgia, 2012-2013

News | Research | Publications | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption 12 September 2013
The results of the study encompass the period from July 2012 to June 2013. During the abovementioned period a total of 5625 request for public information were sent to 224 public institutions in the frameworks of the project. Out if the sent request: in 3830 the received information was complete, in 338 - incomplete, in 42 - rejected due to legal reasons, 576 were left unanswered, and in 788 cases the institutions reported that they did not have the information.

The study presents the practice and tendencies of availability of information before the 1 October, 2012 election and after the elections.

Based on the statistical analysis conducted during the course of the project, the rating of the transparency of public institutions was created.


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