Rule of Law, Human Rights and Freedom of Media

13 April 2012 image

Freedom of Information Guidebook (First Edition, 2012)

The Guidebook is based on the practice of requests of public information of the Institute. Based on the specific examples the work describes the present situation in Georgia and gives the reader full comprehension of the existing practice of accessibility of public information. The publication defines the extent of public information and the rights of the citizens in terms of requesting public information. The goal of the Guidebook is to give the interested people relevant theoretical knowled

10 February 2012 image

Proactive Disclosure of Court Statistics and other Public Information on Websites of Judiciary

This study was made by the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) in the frameworks of the project Improving the Accountability and Transparency of the Georgian Courts and is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), East West Managment Institute (EWMI), and Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), within the Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerment Project. The contents are the

1 March 2011 image

Short Review of Legal Foundations of e-Government and e-Transparency in Georgia (Constantine Janjghava)

Short Review of Legal Foundations of e-Government and e-Transparency in Georgia The presented short review of the legislative base of Georgia on e-Governance and e-Transparency makes clear that some legislative regulation is to be made in the future. First of all, it must be mentioned that the Government is on the first stage of transformation to the e-Government. It is natural that the legislative base at this stage is not so well-developed for state bodies and public employees as well a

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