
1 May 2017 image

IDFI April 2017 Newsletter

Newsletter speaks over the activities implemented and information issued by IDFI in April, 2017. 


28 April 2017 image

IDFI’s Assessment of the Proposed Constitutional Amendments

On April 22, 2017, the Constitutional Commission voted on and approved the draft text of constitutional amendments. The draft constitution includes some positive changes, but also a number of significant shortcomings.


28 April 2017 image

Workshop with Private Sector Representatives – Internet Regulation in Georgia

IDFI organized a workshop on the regulation of blocking, filtering and removal of online content in Georgia. Representatives of the following civil society and private organizations attended the meeting: Magticom, Geocell, Beeline, Caucasus Online, Silknet, Small and Medium Telecom Operators Association of Georgia,, LPA and Digital Report.

18 April 2017 image

Byzantine Politics Thrive in Soviet Georgia

This time IDFI published second report prepared after Poloff’s visit, which is available at the WIKILEAKS Public Library of US Diplomacy. The document describes political situation in Georgia at the beginning of 1991. The WIKILEAKS Public Library of US Diplomacy is the largest online collection of US open and secret diplomatic communications. As of 2013, it holds more than 2 million publications.

11 April 2017 image

The IDFI Evaluates New Mechanism of Monitoring of Asset Declarations

Georgian legislation provides for the obligation for public officials to submit their asset declarations annually. Declarations are available on the webpage of the Civil Service Bureau. The system is largely functional. However, there are several shortcomings associated to it. Namely, there is no mechanism in place to verify declared data and identify the cases when inconsistent or deliberately false information is indicated. Which will then result in the liability of public officials.

5 April 2017 image

Open Government Partnership Representatives Meet with Open Government Georgia Stakeholders

On April 5, 2017, national stakeholders of the Open Government Georgia met with the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Support Unit Deputy Director Mr. Joe Powel and Director for Civil Society Engagement Mr. Paul Maassen. The workshop was to discuss Georgia’s vision, plans and expectations as the country assumes the chairmanship of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee in October 2017.

4 April 2017 image

Discussion on the Importance of Public Private Dialogue at the Stage of Policy Development

“Public participation is essential in the process of developing effective legislation. The only tool to evaluate the quality of Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) in the process of developing new draft laws is IDFI’s ongoing initiative” – said Tamar Kapianidze of USAID G4G in her opening remarks at the discussion titled “the Importance of Dialogue with the Private Sector During the Draft Law Concept Development Stage”.

3 April 2017 image

IDFI March 2017 Newsletter

Newsletter speaks over the activities implemented and information issued by IDFI in April, 2017. 


31 March 2017 image

Gamsakhurdia Continues to Challenge Moscow

Today is the birthday of the first President of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia. Furthermore, on March 31, 1991 the referendum was held on the issue of Georgian statehood. The overwhelming majority of Georgians supported the restoration of the independence of Georgia. In connection to this date, IDFI continues to publish declassified archival documents. This time, the report sent form US Embassy in Moscow to US Department of State is released. 

28 March 2017 image

The Global Principles on Protection of Freedom of Expression and Privacy

This document is part of ARTICLE 19’s International Standards Series, an ongoing effort to elaborate in greater detail the implications of protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression in different thematic areas. These Principles are the result of a process of study, analysis, and drawing on the extensive experience and work of ARTICLE 19’s regional offices and partner organisations in many countries around the world.
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5 January 2019

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