Capacity building summer school “Common history, common future”




Call for Applications

Capacity building summer school

“Common history, common future”

17-21 July 2024, Dilijan, Armenia




The Confronting Memories programme (Berlin, Germany) and Hazarashen Armenian Center of Ethnological Studies are organising a 3-day international Summer School inDilijan, Armenia on 17-21 July 2024 for history teachers and educators from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova, as well as for Russian and Ukrainian teachers and educators in exile. 


During the workshop and capacity building training, we aspire to give teachers tools for creating lesson materials that can incorporate multiple perspectives, integrate the Council of Europe ReferenceFramework of Democratic Competences and provide students with the skills to ask critical questions. The workshop will be led by facilitators from the Western Balkans and Latvia with extensive experience in multiperspective educational practices and conflict resolution, and the following questions will be addressed:


  • How can we teach about conflicts in history against the backdrop of ongoing conflicts in the region?

  • How can we develop learner-centred history education on conflicts with a focus on attitudes and values? 

  • How are conflicts presented in school textbooks and media?

  • How can history be manipulated and how does it influence societies today? 

  • How do political narratives shape remembrances and its practices?  


In addition, we will select Confronting Memories ambassadors who will be trained after the Summer School to become trainers for other teachers and educators. The ambassadors will receive a small grant to subsequently organise a capacity building workshop in their region for other history teachers and educators.  


About us:

The project is implemented in cooperation between IDFI and Civil Society Forum, within the Confronting Memories program.

Over the past four years, the Confronting Memories programme has brought together over 100 teachers from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Russia and Ukraine to work together to create multiperspective and competence-based lesson materials spanning from WWII to current conflicts. These materials are available on the programme’s website and free to download.


We offer: 


  • High-level training for history teachers led by a professional team with a multiperspective and competence-based programme, including site visits and extracurricular activities.  

  • Travel, accommodation and meals during the 3-day summer school. 

  • Certificates of participation.


The Summer School will be an enriching experience with the chance to connect and exchange with teachers from across wider Europe and take part in educational study visits.


We require the following: 


  • CV (maximum 2 pages)

  • A motivation letter (please explain your ability to organise a workshop for educators and organise a class for students using Confronting Memories materials and why it is important for you to participate, maximum 1 page)     

  • Fluent English or Russian language skills


For this project, we would aim to ensure regional representation of history teachers and educators in each country. 


Want to apply? 


The call is open to active history teachers and educators (formal or informal), and we do not discriminate based on age, gender, ability, race, sexuality or otherwise. If you wish to participate, send your application to Eka Kalandadze ate.kalandadze@idfi.gebefore31 May 2024. Successful applications will be selected by mid-June.


Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, and feel free to share this call with your colleagues and friends. We look forward to your application. 


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