Due to high public interest, IDFI has been researching statistics reflecting the picture of gender equality in civil service for two years. Within the auspices of the research, the institute aimed at ascertaining to what degree gender equality is observed in civil service. The report presents detailed data on gender ratio of civil servants employed at the ministries, ministry sub-entities, independent legal entities of public law (LEPLs) and local self-government institutions.
The survey reflects statistical data on gender equality in civil service for March 2015.
Data received from public institutions and information processed from their official web-pages highlights that total number of 72 726 servants are employed in 141 public institutions (including law enforcement agencies). Out of the civil servants employed by 142 public institutions, 27 383 work for Government Administration and Ministries (including state ministries); 407 are employed at the Government and ministries of Autonomous Republic of Ajara; 33 117 work in ministry sub-entities (56 institutions); 5 174 – at local self-government institutions (42 at city hall and city council); 5 488 – at LEPLs and independent commissions (17 institutions); 1 157 are employed as the staff of the Parliament, or work for the offices of Majority MPs. In addition, it should be emphasized that, the data presented reflects the picture of gender equality in 141 public entities only (including Law enforcement agencies) for March 2015.
The research showed that the number of male and female civil servants in Georgia, excluding law enforcement agencies, is nearly equal. It should also be mentioned that the picture on gender equality observed in the report of IDFI “Gender Equality at Civil Service” almost a year ago has not undergone any considerable changes. Different is the observation in case of servants employed at managerial positions, where the representation of men is higher than the women. Particularly, out of 773 employees working in Government Administration and ministries on managerial positions, 333 are female while 473 are male. Out of 1 440 employees working on managerial positions in ministry sub-entities 571 are women and 869 - men. 348 civil servants hold managerial positions at LEPLs, out of which 127 are women and 221 are men. In local self-government (city hall, city council) out of 1049 managerial positions, only 303 are held by females. Number of female workers employed at managerial positions at the government and ministries of Autonomous Republic of Ajara equals to 30 out of 116 managerial positions.
According to the study the picture of gender equality has worsened in a number of public institutions.
Notably, on September 24, 2015 Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee supported the initiative of imposing mandatory quotas in party lists.
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