Meeting of the Open Governance Council of the Supreme Council of Ajara and its Consultative Group

News | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption | Article 23 May 2022


On May 16, members of the Open Governance Council of the Supreme Council of Ajara and its Consultative group held a workshop. Members of the Supreme Council and representatives of civil society organizations attended workshop.


Participants of the meeting discussed the draft final report on the implementation of the commitments of the Open Governance Action Plan for 2020-2021 and the quality of fulfillment of each commitment. The Supreme Council has fully or substantially fulfilled most of the commitment of the Open Governance Action Plan. Consultative Group members positively assessed the work of the Supreme Council and partner organizations and at the same time, stated that various challenges still remain.


At the meeting, along with the implementation report of action plan, the updated composition of the Consultative Group was also approved.


Participants of the meeting also discussed the development process of the next Supreme Council Open Governance Action Plan for 2022-2024. It should be noted that it is planned to hold a youth competition to get initiatives for a new action plan.


Members of the Consultative Group will also submit initiatives for the new action plan.


The workshop was held within the scopes of the joint project of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) "Consolidating Parliamentary Democracy in Georgia." The project is closely cooperating with the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) to promote Open Governance Principles at the Parliament of Georgia and the Supreme Council of Ajara (SCA).

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