PrIME Project launch event. The project is funded by the European Union.
Printed Media
Georgia Today
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
IDFI’s Opinion: The Abolition of the Civil Service Bureau is a Continuation of Political Repressions
Exported Data of the Assets Declarations of Public Officials
Inadequate Response to Violence Against Detainees on February 2nd will be Further Evidence of Deliberate Non-investigation of Systemic Crime
Address to the EBU on the Developments at the Georgian Public Broadcaster
Civil Service Bureau liquidation is a continuation of repression in Public Service
Active Measures by Russian Intelligence Agencies: Alexander Malkevich in Georgia
Georgia’s European Future: What the EU Expects for Deoligarchization?
Blocked Websites in Georgia: A Statistical Analysis
Challenges in Accessing Beneficial Ownership Data in Hungary