2013 Data from Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region

News | Social and Economic Policy | Publications | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption | Analysis 25 July 2014

Institute for development of freedom of Information keeps providing divers public information received from Self-governmental authorities of Georgia. Information received to IDFI is now accessible on www.opendata.ge (public information database). Received information is related to bonuses, salary supplements, official events and state procurements carried out in different Self-Governmental institutions as well as in Municipal Governments, City Councils and City Halls of Georgia.

Besides, there are copies of higher education diplomas of City Mayors, Municipality governors and its deputies; as well as the information about electronic business correspondence, legislative acts and the list of actions carried out for improving breaches and faults revealed by controlling agencies, on www.opendata.ge.

Diverse public information received from local authorities of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region is now available on www.opendata.ge


  • The total amount of bonuses of Poti City Hall has amounted 678 520 GEL. The head of Poti City Hall - Dato Sarsania received 11 000 GEL, while his three deputies received 24 532 GEL altogether. The head of Poti Municipal Council – Davit Babiluri received - 13 200 GEL and his two deputies 20 160 GEL in overall.
    In 2013, representation expenses of Poti City Hall amounted 42 630 GEL. The 38 urgent procurements have been implemented with the total amount of 314 307.56 GEL. From which the largest amount of money -35 378 GEL was spent for #14 kindergarten roofing.


  • According to the received information, Zugdidi Municipal Board has 12 cars on its balance purchased for 486 294 GEL. Among them, there are three “Toyota land cruiser” with residual value of 60 000 GEL separately.
    Zugdidi Municipality Council has 6 cars on its balance. They did not provide information about the purchased price and residual values.
    In 2013, total amount of bonuses of Zugdidi Municipal Board amounted 780 065 GEL. Edisher Toloraia (head of the Municipality Government) received 13 250 GEL. The total amount of bonuses of Zugdidi Municipality Council, were 281 145 GEL. Levan Konjaria (the head of the MunicipalCouncil) received 15 900 GEL as a bonus.


  • In 2013, salary supplements as well as bonuses were not issued by Chkhorotsku Municipal Board and Municipality Council as well. The residual value of the vehicles on the balance of Municipality, including trucks, fire engines, dump vehicles, grader, excavator and tractors, has amounted 478 194 GEL. According to the date of April, 2014, “Toyota Prado” (issued in 2009 and purchased for 44 601 GEL) was in possession of the Municipality Government Head – M/SH – (residual value of 35 681 GEL). The head of Chkhorotsku Municipality Council has the same model car with residual value of 40 000 GEL. (Issued in 2010 and purchased for 50 000 GEL)
    In 2013, representative expenses of Chkhorotsku Municipal Board amounted 8 638.03 GEL, while the representative expenses of Municipality Council amounted 3 210 GEL


  • According to received information from Khobi Municipality Council, “the total bonuses” given to Municipality Council members and officials (28 officials) amounted 25 705 GEL. Municipality Council has “Toyota Land Cruiser Prado” its balance. (Issued and purchased in 2012 for 70 000 GEL). Our request for costs related to 2013 year was ignored by the Khobi Municipal Board.

  • Tsalenjikha Municipality Council ignored IDFI’s request on diverse public information. They provided information only about the bonuses, the list of vehicles and budget implementation report.
    In 2013, 3 500 GEL was given to five members of Tsalenjikha Municipal Board as bonuses. Also, Bonuses with total amount of 7 750 GEL were given to six members of Municipaliy Council. Last year, Municipal Board spent 2 262 GEL on representation expenses.
    In 2013, from Tsalenjikha Municipality budget, 1 929 600 GEL was spent on the construction and rehabilitation of the roads and bridges while 2 396 200 GEL was spent on elimination of natural disaster consequences. The Municipality allocated 90 200 GEL for supporting large families. The head of Municipal Board and the head of Municipality Council, both have “Toyota Land Cruiser Prado” issued in 2009 with total purchased price of 119 652 GEL.


  • In case of Abasha Municipality authorities, all requested information has been provided completely.
    Abasha Municipality has 9 cars its balance (residual value 98 896 GEL). The head of Municipal Board has “Toyota Prado” issued in 2009. (Residual value 20 880 GEL). The head of Municipality Council has Mercedes Benz issued in 2005 (residual value 19 400 GEL).
    Last year the head of Municipality Council received 13 250 GEL as bonuses.
    According to received information, in 2013, salary supplements were not given to the members and employees of Abasha Municipal Board and Municipality Council. There was no case of electronic business correspondence from the work e-mail of both head of Municipal Board and Municipality Council.


  •  In 2013, Senaki Municipal Board and Senaki Municipality Council did not issue salary supplements. As for the bonuses, the total amount of 21 700 GEL received the head of Municipal Board and deputy heads. The members of Municipal Board received 342 240 GEL as bonuses.
    Last year, the total amount of bonuses given to the members of Municipality Council amounted 52 300 GEL and bonuses given to the Council members amounted 49 990 GEL.
    In 2013, the total amount of representation expenses of Senaki Municipal Board amounted 15 285 GEL. The 22 urgent procurements were implemented with total cost of 102 358 GEL. From which the largest amount of money 30 000 GEL was spent for New Year holiday light decorations.


  • In 2013, the 34 urgent procurements were implemented in Martvili Municipal Board. (115 419 GEL)
    According to received information, in 2013, in the budget of Municipality 60 000 GEL was allocated on liquidation activities carried out for natural disaster. In 2013 the head of Municipal Board, Mamuka Danelia received 10 600 GEL as Bonuses while his three deputies received bonuses with total amount of 15 600 GEL.
    Our request was ignored from Martvili Municipality Council.


  • According to the received information from Mestia Municipality authorities, in 2013, the 7 urgent procurements were implemented with total cost of 351 176 GEL. Vehicles for trash and road maintenance was purchased with total amount of 170 000 GEL. 10 125 GEL was spent on arranging of landfill near the vicinity of the airport. 6250 GEL was spent for handling of selected items of Svaneti historical and Ethnographical Museum.
    In 2013, salary supplements were not given to the members of Mestia Municipality Council. Representative expenses were not implemented; vehicle was not replaced as well as there was no case of written agreement on urgent procurements.


IDFI sent the request for the copies of legal act on proactive disclosure of public information. However, at that time of sending request, the abovementioned legal acts were not adopted by Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region’s local administrative authorities.



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