Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) and the Bremen University, within the scopes of the project “Strategic Plan Georgia 2020 – Strengthening Public Involvement (ZigB)” financed by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, are hosting the Scientific Forum: “New Social and Economic Development Strategy - Georgia 2020” (the First Scientific Forum on Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Georgia “Georgia 2020”)
14 prominent foreign scholars, who are researching the affairs of Georgia and the region of Eastern Europe, are specially coming to Georgia to take part in the Scientific Forum.
List of Foreign Scholars:
1. Prof. Dr. Julie George, Queens College, the City University of New York.
2. Prof. Dr. Rick Fawn, Institute of Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Studies (MECACS), School of International Relations, University of St Andrews.
3. Prof. Dr. Schlomo Weber, Director of the Richard Johnson Center for Economic Studies at Southern Methodist University.
4. Prof. Stacy R. Closson, Patterson School of Diplomacy & International Commerce, University of Kentucky.
5. Prof. Dr. Antonio Castelbranco, Technical University of Lisbon.
6. Dr. Lincoln Mitchell, political development consultant, Eurasia specialist.
7. Dr. Kristiina Tõnnisson, Director of the EuroCollege of the University of Tartu.
8. Dr. Philippe Rudaz, Academic Swiss Caucasus Network.
9. Dr. Barbara Lehmbruch, Researcher at Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies.
10. Christian Timm, Researcher at Private University of Applied Sciences PHL.
11. Jos Boonstra, Head of the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Program, Senior Researcher at FRIDE.
12. Marco Giuli, Research Fellow at the Madariaga - College of Europe Foundation.
13. Dennis Redeker, Researcher on Internet & Democracy.
14. Audrey Schlegel, Saarland University.
The main themes for the Forum will be the Implementation of the Strategic Development Documents as a way of sustainable socio-economic development for post-soviet countries, regional security and energy challenges of Georgia for the year of 2020 and the state of the state-building process in Georgia and its impact on the attainment of the Georgia 2020 goals.
English is the working language of the Forum. Simultaneous translation from Georgian into English and from English into Georgian will be provided.
Please note: to attend the forum, you need to send request at
For the detail agenda, see the PDF file
/public/upload/Londa/2020/Scientific Forum, 5.-7. Februry, 2015.pdf
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