People are Divided on Whether the Prosecutor’s Office in Georgia is Independent

News | Publications | Blog Post | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption 30 October 2019

CRRC-Georgia conducted a phone survey to find out people’s attitudes towards the Prosecutors Office of Georgia (PO). The data suggest that people are divided over the PO and that those with experiences of interactions with the PO have more negative attitudes than those that have not had interactions with the PO.


Respondents were asked how much they trust or distrust the Prosecutor’s Office. People are divided, with 40% reporting they fully trust or more trust than distrust the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia. A similar share (39%) reported they do not trust it. One in five (20%) don’t know or refused to answer the question.




They survey is part of the Promoting Prosecutorial Independence through Monitoring and Engagement (PrIME) project implemented by the Institute for Development of freedom of Information (IDFI) in partnership with CRRC Georgia and Studio Monitor with the financial support of the European Union (EU). The contents of this blogpost are the sole responsibility of CRRC Georgia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, IDFI and Studio Monitor.





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