Partnership Between IDFI and Institute of National Remembrance in Warszawa

Memorandums 1 August 2013

Since 2013, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) has been partnering with the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) (in Warszawa) within the scope of assembling a list of victims of the communism regime, exchange of bibliographic information and determining the burial sites of the victims. IPN was established by the Polish Parliament by virtue of the act as of 18 December 1998.


The resolution on the establishment of the IPN, made by the coalition of parties, stemming from the Solidarity movement (which took over the power from the post-Communist coalition) and having the majority in the Polish Parliament, was connected with an attempt to solve the problem of documents left after the Communist State Security Bodies dissolved in 1990. This concerned the establishment of an institution which was apolitical and independent from the government.


The institution would take control over the archives of the Communist political police which were controlled by Secret Service. It would also make the documents available to people who were objects of invigilation. Earlier, citizens could not acquaint themselves with their own "files". The collected documents were also to be used in order to check the past of people who hold public positions.


The Institute of National Remembrance is a special institution having the functions of state and justice administration, of an archive, an academic institute, an education centre and of a body which conducts vetting proceedings.

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