Improving Access of Media to the Public Information

Projects | Completed Projects 1 January 2022




Project Title:  Improving Access of Media to the Public Information

Supported by: Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF)

 Grant Amount: USD 14.000

 Grant Term: January 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022



Project Summary


Aim of the project is to improve media’s access to the public information and to promote evidence-based journalism.


In order to achieve this aim, IDFI will be offering full legal support to media and journalists in particular about issues regarding freedom of information. In the process of legal aid there will be identified systemic problems that hinder journalists’ access to public information. Methods of resolving of such systemic problems will be advocated through various methods, including strategic litigations and cooperation with Media Advocacy Coalition (“Mediacoalition”).


The project beneficiaries are media (implying both regional and national, TV, radio and online broadcasters) and individual journalists. During the course of the project journalists will be available to get full and qualified legal aid. In order to achieve project aims IDFI will be cooperating with Mediacoalition during this cooperating there will be identified systemic problems and advocating changes.


During the course of the project there will be implemented specific legal support suited for journalists and “maping” of practical-legal problems that journalists face in accessing public information


Main project activities


-  Granting full legal support to journalists about issues regarding freedom of information (preparing applications, complaints, claims; legal representation);


-  Strategic legal and/or non-legal response to detected systemic problems;


-  Documenting detected problems. Informing civil society, public defender, state bodies and international society.


Project Activities and Budget


Activities Carried Out Withing the Project