Project title: Human Rights for All – Phase II
Donor organization: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project number: 00118263
Project budget: 8,060 USD
Project duration: 24 March 2021 – 24 May 2021
Project summary
The National Human Rights Strategy envisages the protection of personal data in compliance with international standards. Considering the challenges brought by rapid technological developments as well as the objectives of the Human Rights Strategy, promoting and strengthening personal data protection in Georgia gains more and more importance. This project aims to assess the current situation in Georgia, evaluate to what extent the objectives envisaged by the Human Rights Strategy are achieved, and identify existing challenges and gaps related to personal data protection.
Within the scope of this project, Human Rights Strategy directions will be objectively evaluated and a shadow report will be produced that will assessthe current situation. In addition, the report will draw specific attention to the directions of the Association Agenda and human rights implications of the measures taken by the government in relation to COVID-19. The report will summarize the situation starting from 2020.
Purpose of the project
The purpose of this project is to contribute to personal data protection in Georgia through documenting personal data protection challenges and gaps in light of the priorities envisaged by the Strategy and Action Plan for the Protection of Human Rights.
Project activities
1. Preparation of the shadow report - IDFI will prepare a shadow report evaluating to what extent the objectives of Human Rights Strategy 2014-2020 related to personal data protection have been achieved, identifying existing challenges and gaps related to personal data protection in Georgia.
2. Publicizing the shadow report - The shadow report will be presented to all relevant stakeholders, will be published on IDFI’s website, and will be shared on social media.
Planned Activities and Project Budget
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
12.02.2025IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director