E-Governance and E-Transparency – International Tendencies and Georgia
We may say that positive tendencies are observed in Georgia in the direction of e-Governance development. Modern informational technologies are introduced in practice and significant electronic projects are planned. Governmental commission supporting e-Governance development has been operating since 2007. The Commission is directly administered by the government Chancellery and it includes experts of this sector as well as representatives of public institutions which are engaged in the process of introduction of e-Governance in Georgia. The aim of the Commission is to develop a strategic plan of e-Governance development and coordinate interaction between various agencies in this direction. Unfortunately, very scarce information can be found via Internet about activities of the Commission. No strategic document or Action Plan on e-Governance and informational society has been created at this stage. Global tendencies confirm that “one-stop” principle is a key to successful e-Governance (Kazakhstan’s example can serve as an example). Accumulation of all informational resources and e-services on one specific web-portal significantly facilitates user’s access to information and services he requires. At the same time, it should be mentioned that the planning and coordination commitment for effective introduction of e-Governance should be imposed from the top, i.e. from the government.
For the detailed research see the attached file:
e-Governance and e-Transparency – International Tendencies and Georgia
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director