Common History, Common Future

Projects | Completed Projects 15 April 2024



Project name: Common History, Common Future

Donor organization: Civil Society Forum e.V.

Total budget: 18,465 euros

Duration: 15.04.2024-25.02.2025


The Civil Society Forum e.V.'s Confronting Memories program gathers over 100 teachers from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine to collaborate on developing multi-perspective, competency-based teaching materials spanning from World War II to current conflicts. These materials, created through collective effort, are accessible for free download on the program's website.


The project aims for history teachers and educators to utilize the pedagogical guide developed within the Confronting Memories program in crafting teaching materials and lessons. They are encouraged to integrate the materials into their own classrooms, conduct lessons using the provided resources, and foster familiarity with the material among their colleagues.



Duties of IDFI are:


1) selection of 5-7 history teachers and educators (formal or informal education sector) to participate in the summer school;

2) participation in the workshop on July 17-21, 2024, in Dilijan, Armenia;

3) Facilitating and supporting selected teachers in conducting workshops for their colleagues;

4) Organizing a workshop for 20-25 international participants in Tbilisi in January 2025.




Activities Carried Out Withing the Project