Charity Event to Help Skra IDP Settlement

News | Social and Economic Policy | Publications | Article 27 July 2015

On July 25 IDFI and initiative group “Imedi’s Skhivi” held a charity event in Vake Park. The event aimed to help IDP's settlement in the village of Skra.


The volunteers started to bring books, clothes, toys, household appliances on previous day at IDFI’s office and continued on July 25 at Vake Park. There were foreigners, members of Civil Journalism Club and representatives of several international and non governmental organizations among volunteers, who also got involved in the charity event.


IDP settlement in the village Skra, Gori region exists since Russia-Georgia war in 2008. 86 family lives in this settlement (102 children) who were forced to leave their houses. It has to be mention, that a significant part of them is socially vulnerable and live in quite poor conditions.


In August 2008 Russian armed forces violated Georgian sovereignty and territorial integrity, occupied inseparable part of Georgia – Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions that were recognized as independent states by Russia later.


Representatives of IDFI will take donated items to village Skra and distribute them to IDPs with the help of Imedi’s Skhivi.


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