Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) is announcing the certificate program on Georgia 2020 that is implemented by Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), by the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) and by the Bremen University within the scopes of the “Strategic Plan Georgia 2020 – Strengthening Public Involvement (ZigB) Georgia” (financed by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany).
About the Program:
“Institute for Development of Freedom of Information” in collaboration with the Bremen University with the financial assistance of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany is implementing the project:
“Strategic Plan Georgia 2020 – Strengthening Public Involvement (ZigB) Georgia”aims to raise the public awareness and increase the interest of the civil society towards the Socio-Economical Development Strategy “Georgia 2020”, thus the civil society will be more empowered to be actively involved in the discussion process of the Strategy.
The Description of the Program:
1. The Higher Education for Sustainable Development (5 hours)
The course discusses the initiative of the UN “Education for the Sustainable Development” that represents 5 point program for advocacy of re-orientation of the education (the Declaration of UN on Sustainability of Higher Education, the Sustainable Development Strategy of EU). The program participants will get acquainted with the achieved progress of the aforementioned UN initiative, as well as its challenges that are faced by the signatory Universities in the implementation process of the initiatives within the sustainable development of the Higher Education Institutions.
Key concepts: EU SDS, UN Higher Education Sustainability Initiative Rio +20, International Sustainable Campus Network
Lecturer: Tea Gergedava (Harvard University, Master’s Degree, Head of the Foreign Relations Department Office at TSU)
2. Cultural Policy within the Scopes of the Urban Policy (5 hours)
The themes of the course are based on the Association Agreement with the EU and on the requirements of the agreement, as well as on the international legal norms that is obligatory for creating and implementing the cultural policy and the urban policy. The primary attention will be emphasized on the preserving and supporting the cultural diversity. At the same time the lecture will address the successful European city management models. The aim of the course is to portray the cultural and urban policy problems through the human rights perspective and to allocate the role of the society in creating the urban and cultural policy (rights and obligations). The development of the urban culture and its shortcomings in Georgian reality will be the primary issue of the course.
Lecturer of Course: Konstantine Natsvlishvili (the Bazel University, Master’s Degree, the Expert of the Cultural Policy and Management)
3. Consumer Rights and Competition Policy (5 hours)
Within the scopes of the course students will get acquainted with the legislation on consumer rights and competition, receive the information about the challenges of Georgia towards the protection of consumer rights, about the Competition Agency and generally the information about the state’s policy regarding the protection of consumer’s rights and the competition policy. The course will be read based on the comparative law analysis of Georgian and European examples.
Lecturer of the Course: Davit Maisuradze (UC Davis, LLM, PHD students at TSU)
4. Labor Law (5 hours)
The aim of the course is to look through the Employer’s and Employee’s rights in the Georgian legislation, to familiarize with the regulations of the Employment Relations regarding the private sector and the public sector as well. The current and popular issues like the legal grounds for suspending the employment, and etc., will be emphasized. Students will get acquainted with the obligations of Georgia according to the international agreements towards the Labor Law. At the same time the course will address the influence of law on Protection of Personal Data on Employment Relations.
Lecturer of the Course: Sopio Sachaleli (Masurashvili & Sachaleli Law Office, Partner, PHD student at Trier University)
Technical assignment:
The course will be conducted in Georgian language. The length of the program is one month. Lectures are held once per week, every Saturday from 12:00 to 17:00. The course is free of charge.
In the end of the program students will held presentations and in case of the affirmative evaluation the joint certificates of GIPA, IDFI and the Bremen University will be issued.
For participation in the program, please, fill the application form.
The last day for submitting the applications in January 22, 18:00. The studies will begin on January 24.
The contact persons are: Mariam Gelashvili and Ketevan Beradze; the Center for Consultations and Trainings, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs.
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