In accordance with the “Law on Public Servants of Georgia” the minimum age of servants in the state agencies is 21 years and 18 in local government bodies. The most problematic request for public agencies was the request for the data on average age of the servants; in most cases public information officers could not provide the information. As a result, IDFI could not determine the average age statistics of public servants in some public agencies.
IDFI has comprehensive information related to the average age of 31 207 servants, which is 38,4 years. The average age of public servants in public authorities is sorted out in the following:
Comprehensive information about the average age of public servants (out of 31 207 servants, 17 479 are male and 13 728 female) has been received from 126 public authorities. Based on the data about the average age of male and female servants, the average ages are almost equal:
The average age of men and women is roughly equal in different public authorities. In the central and state ministerial offices of the ministries, public legal entities and sub-agencies, local self-governing units (City Halls, Municipal Boards), the average age of men and women differs to some extent. Whereas, the average age of women in public authorities exceeds the average age of men by 6 years, which is mainly caused by the large number of male employees in law enforcement agencies, whose average age equals 31 years.
Considering the current demographic challenges in Georgia, IDFI was interested in conducting a study on the quantity of public servants with many children in public authorities.
Information received about the data of public servants’ children gave a number of 64 348 such employees.According to the statistics, out of 64 348 servants, 5 139 servants have three and more children.
According to statistic most of the public servants with many children are in local governmental bodies, which is 11.1 % of the total; 7,8 % goes to the central and state offices of the ministries, 7.2 % to public entities and sub-agencies and 6.8 % in other public agencies.
Information about public servants with three and more children in public institutions of Georgia was received from 151 public authorities. Accordingly, out of 64 348 servants, 5 139 servants have three and more children, 1144 -mothers and 3995 -fathers.
In 155 public authorities, 8.9 % were men with many children, whereas 6.3% were women with many children.
Amongst female and male public servants with many children, a high percentage has been observed in the local self-governmental bodies (City Halls, Municipal Boards)
The comprehensive statistics about servants with many children from the Armed Forces (United HQS) of the Ministry of Defense and Law Enforcement Department were not included in the study due to incomplete information that was received from the mentioned institutions in terms of gender. The statistics about servants with many children is the following:
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
12.02.2025IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director