The member groups include AccessInfoEurope, AfriCOG, Basel Institute on Governance, BRAC University Institute of Governance, Christian Aid, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, GAATW, Global Witness, Institute for Security Studies in Africa, PSI Link, Tax Justice Network, Tearfund, Transparency International, UNICORN and many more. The secretariat for the Coalition is provided by Transparency International, one of its founding members.
The Coalition engages in joint action around common positions on the UNCAC, facilitates the exchange of information among members, and supports national civil society efforts to promote the UNCAC.
The Coalition’s primary campaign objective during 2006 – 2009 was to secure an effective, transparent and participatory monitoring mechanism for the UNCAC. To this end, members engaged in joint advocacy ahead of and during key intergovernmental meetings. This phase ended with the adoption, in November 2009, of an UNCAC review mechanism that started operation in July 2010. The Coalition now seeks to ensure that civil society groups can contribute to the review process and to support them in making quality submissions. It also aims to gain government agreement to publish review reports for public scrutiny.
The Coalition also sets advocacy targets in relation to specific UNCAC-related topics, such as access to information, asset recovery and protection of whistleblowers and anti-corruption activists.
A particular focus for the Coalition will remain the sessions of the UNCAC Conferences of States Parties (CoSP). Coalition members attend these intergovernmental meetings as observers. They meet with government delegates, submit statements, publish a newsletter, produce blogs, press releases and hold press briefings and much more.
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director