TPPR Methodology

News | Social and Economic Policy | Publications | Policy Document | Regional and Global Work 31 May 2018

The TPPR Methodology prepared by IDFI is envisioned to be a universal methodology for assessing public procurement legislations (PPLs) with the ultimate goal of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of legal frameworks and their enforcement.


The Methodology is composed of 64 indicators, each of which holds a similar degree of importance. A number of these indicators are further broken down into scoring components.


The Methodology covers all the major components of any public procurement system, from the nature of the legislation to the complaint review process, with focus on the transparency of public procurement systems.


The selection of indicators for the Methodology was largely based on international best practice, international standards and aspects of other existing methodologies in the sphere of public procurement, such as: 


- EBRD Methodology and Standard;


- GPA Standard (WTO);


- OECD Methodology and Principles;


- EU Standard (Directive 2014/24/EU);


- and Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS).


The Methodology was conducted with the financial support from the Open Society Institute - Budapest Foundation. 



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