Supporting Establishment of a Professional Development System in Civil Service of Georgia

Projects | Completed Projects 23 May 2018

Project Title: Supporting Establishment of a Professional Development System in Civil Service of Georgia

Donor Organization: United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Governance Reform Fund (GRF) with funds of UK aid from the UK Government

Project Number0095872

Grant Amount: $35,600

Project Duration: 23 May, 2018 – January 31, 2019


Situation Analysis, Project Aim and Description:


Professional development of civil servants is one of the key priority areas of the Civil Service Reform Concept, which creates an obligation for the state to create an effective system for professional development. However, development and launch of this system requires certain prerequisites that need to be in place.


In addition to the Civil Service Reform Concept, Article 54 of the Law on Civil Service states that professional development standards and rules for determining professional development needs of a civil servant should be adopted through the Decree of the Government. The Civil Service Bureau drafted the Decree; however,   it has not yet been publicly discussed nor formally adopted.  Additionally, UNDP engaged an expert, which has developed a report containing analysis and recommendations on the professional development system.


In order to successfully reform the professional development system, it is crucial to examine capacity of public training centers and what role they can play in the new framework.


There are 12 public training centers operating independently or under the auspices of various ministries. These training centers offer a wide range of training modules/programs that are either general or tailored to specific ad hoc needs of its supervising ministry. Since no in-depth assessment of these training centers has been conducted, it is impossible to establish whether these programs/modules follow uniform standards and whether they take into account varying needs of civil servants. It has also not been established if these training modules are accessible only for civil servants or other public employees such as the contractual staff.


The main objectives of the project are:


- In order to support the establishment of a professional development system of civil servants, conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing practices, capacities and expertise of and gaps of public training centers;


- Examine the role, resources and capacity of private training providers as potential stakeholders in of the professional development system of civil servants;


- Facilitate involvement of civil society, academia and other potential stakeholders in the establishment of policies on professional development of civil servants.


Activity Timeline:




Project Budget





Activities Carried Out Withing the Project