Supporting Peoples Right to Vote in Georgia

Projects | Completed Projects 2 September 2024

Project title: Supporting Peoples’ Right to Vote in Georgia

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Project Duration: September 2024 - December, 2024

Grant amount: CZK 500 000 (EUR 19,860.97)


Goal of the Project

Support the holding of free and fair parliamentary elections in Georgia.


Project summary

Georgian civil society organizations have formed a Coalition - "My Vote for the EU." 


The Coalition aims: 1. to conduct a campaign - "My Vote for the EU" - before the elections; 2. to organize a large-scale observation mission which among other things includes a voter information campaign in the pre-election period, joint observation of the pre-election period and election day, protection of votes. The observation mission should cover all polling stations opened both in Georgia and abroad.


The project activities aim to contribute to the work of the Coalition, including through protecting the votes based on the litigation, and participation in the training of the observers. 




Category Amount in EUR
Salaries EUR 8,800
Services EUR 11,060.97
Total EUR 19,860.97


 Grant Agreement 

Activities Carried Out Withing the Project