Special Transfers in the Regions in the Pre-Election Period

News | Publications | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption 1 February 2013

January, 2013

Author: Goga Tushurashvili


The following work was prepared by the “Institute for Development of Freedom of Information” within the frameworks of the “Public Information Database-www.opendata.ge” project. The project is funded by “Open Society Georgia Fund”.

The following study contains the analysis of the financial documentation received from the self-governing units of Georgia. The goal of the study was to determine the main direction of the special transfers made to the self-governing units in the pre-election period of 2012 from the state budget of Georgia (Reserve Fund of the President, Reserve Fund of the Government, the Fund for Projects to be implemented in the Regions, the Rural Program).

Special Transfers in the Regions in the Pre-Election Period

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