PTF-IDFI Partnership for improving effectiveness of ADB-CSO engagement in Georgia

Projects | Completed Projects 17 July 2017


Project Title: PTF-IDFI Partnership for improving effectiveness of ADB-CSO engagement in Georgia


Donor Organization: Project is implemented with the assistance from Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) with funds of the Asian Development Bank


Grant Amount: USD 13,500


Project Duration: July 17, 2017 - August 30, 2017


Objectives:  The Asian Development Bank is committed to increasing the contribution of civil society organizations to ADB operations by helping CSOs and government agencies to work more effectively together in the design and implementation of ADB-funded projects. Toward that end, the ADB has entered into a Knowledge Partnership Agreement (KPA) with the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) to enhance CSO participation in ADB lending and technical assistance operations and sector and country assistance strategies. The project is being implemented in partnership with IDFI. 


IDFI and PTF will be doing fact-finding and analytical work in Georgia to assess:


- Proposed and actual level of CSO collaboration in on-going ADB operations (loans, grants and technical assistance);


- Opportunities to deepen CSO engagement in new operations proposed for the 2017-2019 period;


- Current national environment for CSO engagement and its implications for ADB-CSO engagement. 


The field and analytical work will aim to present recommended actions for a two-year capacity building programs for CSOs to engage with project implementing agencies.











Activities Carried Out Withing the Project