Monitoring of web-page of State Care Agency

News | Civic Tech and Innovations | Publications | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption | Article 30 November 2011

Monitoring of web-page of  Legal Entity of Public Law – State Care Agency

On November 16, 2011IDFI expert team has conducted information transparency and e-Governance (e-Accessibility and technical operability) monitoring of official web page of Legal Entity of Public Law – State Care Agency ( within the framework of the project “Monitoring of Information (Internet) Resources of Public Authorities of Georgia“.

According to assessment parameters Legal Entity of Public Law  -  State Care Agency web-page amounted:

Information transparency rating: 10.73%

E- accessibility and technical operability rating: 44.27%

Total rating of web-page: 27.5%

Thes tatistics,problems revealed and corresponding recommendations are given in the below attached file:

 Monitoring of web-page of  State Care Agency 2011

You can e-mail us with any suggestions or questions regarding research ate-mail -

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