On February 22, 2011 IDFI expert team has conducted information transparency and e-Governance (e- Accessibility and technical operability) monitoring of official webpage of Governmentof Autonomous Republic of Adjara (www.ajara.gov.ge) within the framework of the project “Monitoring of Information (Internet) Resources of Public Authorities of Georgia“.
According to assessment parameters Governmentof Georgiaweb-page amounted:
Information transparency rating:13.80%
E- accessibilityand technical operability rating:46.63%
Total rating of web-page: 30.215%
In general, it can be said that the official web-page of Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara leaves the impression of online means of delivering of information on the activities of the government, especially of the head of government. The abovementioned cannot be deemed as a negative fact, though the missing information on web-page about the apparatus of the Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara, its structure, directorship and staff, the minor contact information presented and the lack of majority of standard databases, such as archives of information on vacancies, procurements, programs and projects implemented, separate data banks of statistics, plans, prognoses and financial information etc. characterizes the resource with low transparency rate and poor information content, the status which should not be the determinant of the official web-page of such an important body which is the Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara.
Thestatistics, problems revealed and corresponding recommendations are given in the below attached file:
Monitoring web-page of Government of Autonomous Republic of Ajara 2012
You can e-mail us with any suggestions or questions regarding research at: info@idfi.ge
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