Organisation and implementation of the Workshop on localisation with Georgian and Belarusian partners

Projects | Completed Projects | Open Governance and Anti-Corruption 24 June 2022


Purpose of the Contract: Organisation and implementation of the Workshop on localisation with Georgian and Belarusian partners
Project: Institutional Integration of the Agenda 2030 in Belarus and Other Eastern Partnership Countries
Donor:  The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Budget:  24,273 GEL
Duration: June 24 – July 8, 2022


The service contract considered the organization of study trip for Belorussian and German experts in Georgia on the Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The service included the following tasks:


1. Organisation and implementation of the workshop - preparation of workshop methodology;  presentations concerning the Georgian status quo of localizing the Agenda 2030; implementation, moderation and documentation of the workshop and its results;


2. Organisation and implementation of the field trip - identifying and coordination of relevant visiting points supporting the achievement of the overall workshop goals; approaching and preparing stakeholders of the visiting points; technical concept of the field trip; documentation of the field trip results;


3. Logistical support of the workshop and field trip - organization of catering during the workshop day and during the field trip; organization of technical equipment; organization of transport on the day of the field trip; providing contact and resource person for participants (especially for foreign participants); settlement of costs incurred during the workshop and field trip.




Activities Carried Out Withing the Project