/public/upload/IDFI/IDFI/ENG idfi_achievemnts_2009_2020.pdf
The European Court of Human Rights has begun considering the application lodged by the Non-Governmental and media organizations regarding the “Russian law”
Ivanishvili’s FARA is against Georgian media and NGOs
Statement by MAC on the Persecution of Independent Journalists by the Public Broadcaster’s Board of Trustees
Media Freedom and Captured Institutions in Georgia - Side Event within the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
IDFI’s Opinion: The Abolition of the Civil Service Bureau is a Continuation of Political Repressions
Address to the EBU on the Developments at the Georgian Public Broadcaster
Civil Service Bureau liquidation is a continuation of repression in Public Service
Active Measures by Russian Intelligence Agencies: Alexander Malkevich in Georgia
Georgia’s European Future: What the EU Expects for Deoligarchization?
Blocked Websites in Georgia: A Statistical Analysis
Challenges in Accessing Beneficial Ownership Data in Hungary