“Institute for Development of Freedom of Information” (IDFI) together with the Bremen University and with the financial support of Federal Foreign Office Germany is implementing the Project: “Strategic Plan Georgia 2020 – Strengthening Public Involvement (ZigB)”. The project aims to give rise to the interest of various groups of civil society towards involvement and extension of knowledge about the Strategic Document - Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Georgia “Georgia-2020” - that was approved by the resolution of the government of Georgia, in order for them to be more involved in discussions for the future.
One of the directions of the project is the involvement of the active users of the Internet who were selected via competition by “Institute for Development of Freedom of Information”.
On 21-22-23rd of November three day workshop was organized in Kvareli, Hotel “Royal Batoni”, where participants of the competition of the active users of the Internet, who passed the next level of competition, took part. Representatives of the Government of Georgia (as coordinators of the implementation of the “Georgia 2020”) and the Ministry of Finance of Georgia (as the organizers of the drawing out of “Georgia 2020”) participated in workshop as well.
The following themes were discussed on the workshop - methods of effective communication, Public Policy Analysis, Blog on the crossroads of academic and creativity, representatives of the Government of Georgia and the Ministry of Finance of Georgia also spoke about the process of drawing out and the coordination of implementation of “Georgia 2020”. The participants of the competition worked out the plans for increasing the awareness and the involvement of the society towards “Georgia 2020”.
IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director
12.02.2025IDFI's Statement on the Unlawful Imposition of the Fine on the Organization's Executive Director